
  • 网络Uranium dioxide pellets;UO_2 pellet
  1. 核电站用二氧化铀芯块的制造实践

    Fabrication practice of uranium dioxide pellet for nuclear power plant

  2. 二氧化铀芯块的低分压氧化性气氛烧结

    Low-Temperature Sintering of UO_2 Pellets in Low-Partial-Pressure Oxidizing Atmosphere

  3. GB/T13698-1992二氧化铀芯块中总氢的测定

    Uranium dioxide pellet-Determination of total hydrogen

  4. 文报道了用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定含钆二氧化铀芯块中微量铯的方法。

    Atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of trace amounts of Cs in Gd 2O 3 UO 2 is proposed in this paper .

  5. 随着国际上对环境保护的日益重视以及能源危机导致的能耗成本攀升,低温烧结二氧化铀芯块的研究在沉寂了近40年后再度成为核能大国研究的热点。

    With more importance attaching to the environment protection international and energy cost increasing because of the energy crisis , the study on low temperature sinter of UO_2 becomes the hotspot of nuclear energy country again after 40 years dreariness .

  6. 二氧化铀陶瓷芯块设计的改进

    The Improvement of the Design of Ceramic Uranium Dioxide Pellet

  7. 本文研究二氧化铀陶瓷芯块的不同尺寸平和几何形状对芯块和包壳相互作用的影响。改进芯块设计,介绍几种新的芯块。

    This paper investigated the influence which the different sizes and geometric shapes of ceramic uranium dioxide pellet have upon the pellet-cladding interaction , improved the pellet design and introduced several kinds of new pellets .

  8. GB/T13372-1992二氧化铀粉末和芯块中杂质元素的测定ICP-AES法

    Determination of trace elements in uranium dioxide powders and pellets by ICP-AES

  9. 并简要介绍了二氧化铀核燃料芯块的烧结理论。

    The sintering theory on nuclear fuel pellets is also introduced simply .

  10. 二氧化铀核燃料芯块烧结工艺的发展概况

    The Development of Sintering Technologies of UO_2 Fuel Pellets

  11. 用电阻炉测定二氧化铀粉末及烧结芯块中碳含量--燃烧滴定分析法/库仑法/红外吸收法?

    Determination of carbon content in uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets - resistance furnace combustion - titrimetric / coulometric / infrared absorption methods ?