
èr liú tǐ mó xíng
  • two-fluid model
二流体模型[èr liú tǐ mó xíng]
  1. 在考虑粒子碰撞的情况下,利用二流体模型研究了等离子体与器壁之间的相互作用。

    With the particle collision taken into account , the interaction of plasma with a fixed wall is studied by using a two-fluid model .

  2. 超流现象从本质上是一种量子效应&玻色凝聚,可以用玻色凝聚的统计力学理论以及二流体模型予以解释。

    Basically superfluidity is a kind of quantum effect , that is Bose condensation . We can explain the superfluidity phenomenon by the theory of Bose condensation in statistical mechanics and two-fluid model .

  3. 通常用导体材料作屏蔽体,而用超导体作屏蔽体有更多的优越性。文章从Maxwell方程和London的超导二流体模型出发,推出了球壳超导体的屏蔽系数。

    The shielding coefficient of superconductor in the shape of the spherical shell is derived on the basis of Maxwell 's equations and London 's two-liquid model .

  4. 在London宏观超导体电动力学的基础上,借助于二流体模型,建立了Pippard超导体的瞬态电磁渗透方程。

    On the basis of the London 's superconductor macroscopic electrodynamics and two fluid mold , the transient electromagnetic field osmotic equation of Pippard superconductor is established in this paper .

  5. 超导电性二流体模型的适用性

    An Applicability Research of Two-Fluid Model of Superconductivity

  6. 本论文首先以扩展不可逆热力学和二流体模型为基础建立了一个首次综合考虑了热力学和流体力学因素的剪切场下高聚物共混体系相行为的模型。

    Within this dissertation , both thermodynamical and hydrodynamic effects of shear are considered , for the first time , in the modeling of the shear-induced phase behavior of binary polymer blend .

  7. 为此,该文假设颗粒膜中磁性颗粒尺寸呈对数正态函数分布,利用二流体模型和有效媒质理论对颗粒膜的巨磁电阻效应进行了研究。

    To clarify this dispute , assuming that the particle size satisfied with log-normal function distribution , we combined effective medium theory with the two-channels conducting model to study giant magnetoresistance in granular films .

  8. 而相同条件下用变系数二阶流体模型计算的平均流量比用幂律流体模型计算的平均流量小;

    The average flow of second order fluid with variable coefficients is smaller than that of the power-law fluid under the same condition ;

  9. 在用静电探针诊断了轴流式射频等离子体激活化学汽相沉积(PCVD)反应器中等离子体电子温度、电子密度轴向分布的基础上,提出与主要工艺参数相联系的二元流体动力学模型。

    On the basis of the diagnostics about the axial distribution of plasma electron temperature and electron density in an axial flow RF PCVD reactor by using electrical probe , a model for two-dimension fluid kinetics concerned with major PCVD parameters is proposed .

  10. 这些方程在退化情形可化为二层、单层流体模型的相应方程。

    Those equations can be reduced to the corresponding equations for two-and one-layer fluid models in some special cases .

  11. 第二章,采用流体模型研究了考虑电离效应的尘埃空洞的形成过程。

    In the second chapter , using the fluid model , the dust void formation under the consideration of ionization effect is investigated .