
  • 网络phenomenological;phenomenology
  1. 金属银表面的氧吸附对唯象参数a,b影响

    Phenomenological parameters a and b at Ag surfaces affected by the adsorption of oxygen

  2. 中性K介子系统唯象理论的修正

    Correction to the Phenomenological Theory for Neutral Kaon System

  3. U(1)规范磁单极与费米子束缚态的一种唯象机制

    The U ( 1 ) Gauge Field Monopole and a Phenomenological Mechanism of Fermion Bound States

  4. 我们的理论可以同样处理重子态,只要唯象位阱V0只有介子的值的一半。

    Our theory can apply equally to the baryon states if the phenomenological potential V0 is reduced by a factor of2 .

  5. 本文首次用实验方法探讨了泥石流浆体的触变唯象模型η=η∞/tcγ+η∞。

    This study is the first time to inquire into the debris flow thixotropy model by experimental method .

  6. Biot理论的唯象修正对S波特性的影响

    Influences of phenomenological modification of Biot theory on characteristics of S-wave

  7. 但是,描述单电子晶体管IV特性的正统理论却是一种唯象理论,对于半导体单电子晶体管往往只能给出定性的结果,不能给出隧道结电阻的微观解释及定量计算方法。

    The present phenomenon theory on single electron transistors only gives a qualitative description of the I-V characteristics of the device .

  8. TR唯象模型中的集体激发对比热的贡献

    Contribution to the Specific Heat due to the Collective Excitations in TR Phenomenological Model

  9. RDX热分解反应的唯象动力学计算

    Computation of Kinetics of RDX Thermal Decomposition Reaction

  10. 采用全动态DSC研究了双马来酰亚胺树脂(BMI)体系的固化反应动力学,建立了固化动力学的唯象模型。

    The cure kinetics of bismaleimides ( BMI ) resin system was investigated by dynamic DSC analysis and the phenomenological model was established .

  11. 源项中的夸克碎块效应则是通过唯象SU(3)弦模型味动力学进行描写的。

    The quark-fragment effects in the source term are described by using the phenomenal SU ( 3 ) string model with a flavor dynamics .

  12. 相对论重离子碰撞实验及其唯象分析(非QGP部分)

    Relativistic heavy-ion collision and its phenomenological analysis ( not related to QGP )

  13. 根据旋光现象的菲涅耳唯象理论,推导了光轴方向单轴旋光晶体的圆基矢Jones矩阵。

    Based on Fresnel 's theories of optical activity , the circular basis vector Jones matrix was concluded along optical axis in the active uniaxial crystals .

  14. 强度JND与强度关系的唯象模型

    Model of the Relation of Intensity JND to Intensity of Tong

  15. 根据唯象方程,推导出试验条件下阴极和阳极扩散反应区的不同原子净流量和界面IMC的生长速率表达式。

    In electromigration , the expressions to atomic flux and Ni-Sn IMC growth rate have been derived from the phenomenological equations .

  16. 研究发现,BTS材料介电可调行为和Devonshire唯象理论吻合很好。

    The dielectric tunable behaviors of BTS are consistent with Devonshire phenomenological theory .

  17. 为使结果具有普适性,采用了GLD唯象理论。

    Without the generality of the results , we use GLD phenomenological theory .

  18. 处理此领域的问题除了格点QCD外,最常用的方法是使用唯象模型,如有效场论。

    In addition to lattice simulations , the most popular method is phenomenological models , for example , effective field theories .

  19. 本文采用唯象的方法对高温高压下固态物质系统的EOS及相关的非简谐热力学性质(非谐性质)作出了系统地研究。

    This paper makes a systematic study of EOS and anharmonic thermodynamic properties for solid substance system at high temperatures-high pressures by using phenomenological method .

  20. 对SIS系统,在超导部分使用TDGL方程,在势垒两侧使用唯象边界条件,在V→0时,SIS系统的解完全可以基于微扰方法来求得。

    The TDGL equations have been applied to the superconducting region of SIS systems with phenomenological boundary conditions at the interfaces of the tunneling barrier .

  21. 针对ψ(2S)质量处ωπ0和π+π-两个观测末态,利用唯象模型估计了单光子湮没过程贡献的大小。

    Such contributions to the measured final states ωπ 0 and π + π - at ψ( 2S ) mass are estimated by phenomenological models .

  22. 在特定条件下可给出唯象的V-A强相互作用形式。

    In a special condition , we obtain the effective Lagrangian for V-A type strong interaction .

  23. 用全动态DSC研究了先进复合材料用高性能双组份环氧树脂的固化反应动力学,获得了固化反应的动力学参数,并建立了固化动力学的唯象模型。

    The cure kinetics of a bicomponent high performance epoxy resin was studied by dynamic DSC analysis , and the parameters of the cure reaction were obtained to establish a phenomenological model .

  24. 首先,我们引入对于Glauber模型的唯象线性修正,使其加入了热化过程的影响。

    Firstly , we introduce a phenomenological linear correction to the Glauber model , in which the effect of thermalization is considered .

  25. 从CuCr合金导电特性的唯象过程出发,建立了计算触头材料导电特性的三维单元网络模型。

    Based on the phenomenal process of electrical conductivity of CuCr alloys , a 3-D unit net model is put forward .

  26. 分析了素坯的相对密度与成型压力的关系,应用XRD、拉曼光谱和场发射扫描电镜并结合晶粒生长动力学唯象理论研究了高压下La0.8Sr0.2MnO3的晶粒演化行为。

    The relationship between relative density of biscuit and forming pressure was analyzed . The grain evolution was researched by XRD 、 Raman pattern 、 field emission scanning electron microscopy and the phenomenological kinetic grain growth equation .

  27. 引用以前别人的核磁共振实验数据,依照我们的理论分析计算扩散激活能和H在间隙位上的振动频率;与他们用唯象理论获得的相应数值对比,结果是满意的。

    Using our theory and data derived from previous work of others , we analyzed the activation energy and the attempt frequency of 1H on interstitial sites and found that our results are satisfactory as compared with the conclusion derived from the phenomenological theory .

  28. 对偶偶氙、钡、铈同位素核Yrast态的一种唯象描述

    A phenomenological description of YRAST STATES in the even even xenon , barium AND CERIUM ISOTOPES

  29. 本文给出一类夸克质量矩阵与CP破坏参量的精确解析关系.有关结果适用于唯象研究不同质量矩阵模型及其CP破坏效应的细微差别。

    We explore the exact analytical relations between a variety of quark mass matrices and CP violation Our results can be applied to the phenomenological studies of different ansatz of mass matrices and their CP-violating effects .

  30. 掺杂反式聚乙炔中Site-type杂质势的唯象模型

    The Phenomenological Models of Site - type Impurity Potential in Doped Trans - Polyacetylene