
  1. 与时俱进是辩证唯物主义世界观的要求和体现

    Progressing with the times : a requirement and a realization of the world 's view in dialectic materialism

  2. 马克思恩格斯对马克思主义哲学性质的规定表明:马克思主义哲学乃是哲学之扬弃意义上的现代唯物主义世界观,具体说是实践的、历史的和辩证的唯物主义世界观。

    From Marx and Engles ' definition the character of Marxism philosophy is clear , that is , Marxism philosophy is the philosophical sublation on the modern view of materialism .

  3. 其主要的任务,不仅要积累硕士生的科研知识,发展硕士生的科研智力和能力,还要培养硕士生的辩证唯物主义世界观和社会主义的科研道德品质。

    Its main task , not only accumulate professional knowledge of the graduate students , develop intelligence and ability of the graduate students , but nurture the graduate world outlook of dialectical materialism and socialism quality of research ethics .

  4. 我们的主要经验是:中学数学教材必须坚持辩证唯物主义世界观的标准、培养目标的标准、智能标准、现代化与可接受的标准和洋为中用的标准。

    Our main experience : In teaching material innovation we must stick to the criteria of the dialectical materialist world outlook of training ~ # objecfives , of intelligence , of modernization and acceptability , and of making foreign things serve China .

  5. 要加强对大学生的正面教育引导,树立唯物主义的无神论世界观。

    Positive education and guide to college students must be strengthened in order to acquire atheistical world outlook of materialism .

  6. 在这一领域拥有重要影响的黄楠森先生努力开拓创新,但他依然把马克思主义哲学理解为辩证唯物主义的科学世界观。

    Huang Nansen , with an important influence on this field , still regarded the Marxist philosophy as a scientific world outlook of dialectical materialism .

  7. 对青年学生进行辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义世界观、人生观和价值观的三观教育,既是学生思想教育的重要内容,也是学校德育工作的重要组成部分。

    Education of " three outlooks " & dialectic materialism and historic materialism , life concept , and value concept for youth students , is not only the key part of the ideological education for students , but also a significant component of school 's moral building work .