
  • 网络vipshop;VIPs;Vipshop Holdings;Vipshop Holdings Limited
  1. 电子商务公司唯品会(vipshop.com)和数字营销公司acquity的股价已回升至其ipo价格之上,但自今年4月以来鲜有上涨。

    Vipshop , the ecommerce business , and acquity , a digital marketing company , rose above their IPO prices but little has followed since April .

  2. 上市以来,唯品会股价飙升了436%,欢聚时代上涨了143%。

    Vipshop has soared 436 % since its initial public offering , while YY has climbed 143 % .

  3. 类似地,沈南鹏投资唯品会(Vipshop)时,唯品会并未与京东(JD.com)竞争。京东也是红杉中国的投资对象。

    Similarly , Mr Shen invested in VIP Shop when it didn 't compete with JD.com , another Sequoia investment .

  4. 唯品会去年3月上市第一天便大跌15%,欢聚时代去年11月挂牌首日涨幅接近8%。

    Vipshop fell 15 % in its first day last March , and YY rose just under 8 % in its debut last November .

  5. 因定价不规范,中国市场监管机构对京东、阿里巴巴旗下的天猫以及腾讯支持的唯品会各处以50万元(约合7.7万美元)罚款。

    China 's market regulator has fined JD.Com , Alibaba 's Tmall and Tencent-backed Vipshop 500 thousand yuan each , roughly 77 thousand US dollars , for irregular pricing .

  6. 中国消费者协会周二宣布,已与京东、淘宝、唯品会等17家电商平台制定出一种合作维权机制,以便更快更好地解决消费者网购方面的投诉。

    The China Consumers Association announced on Tuesday that it has worked out a cooperative mechanism with 17 e-commerce platforms , including JD.com , Taobao.com and Vip.com , to deal with online shopping complaints of consumers quicker and better .