
wéi wù zhǔ yì zhě
  • materialist
  1. 谁要是否定这一点,就不是一个唯物主义者。

    Whoever denies this is not a materialist .

  2. 不幸的是,在西方传统中,无论是唯物主义者还是唯心主义理论家都没有充分考虑到这一基本生活条件。

    Unfortunately , in our western tradition , neither materialist nor idealist theoreticians give enough consideration to this basic condition for life .

  3. 彻底的唯物主义者是无所畏惧的。

    Thoroughgoing materialists are fearless .

  4. 唯物主义者面向真理,唯心主义者则逃避真理。

    Materialists face truth , whereas idealists shun it .

  5. 他既是唯物主义者,又是唯心主义者;

    He is a materialist and an idealist as well .

  6. 一个坚定的唯物主义者公开谴责经济。

    A staunch materialist , he decries economy .

  7. 马克思和恩格斯在《德意志意识形态》中把自己称作是“实践的唯物主义者”。

    Marx and Engels called themselves " practical materialist " in their literature The German Ideology .

  8. 他称自己是唯物主义者,将死亡仅仅看成是永久的沉睡。

    He described himself as a materialist who saw death as nothing more than eternal sleep .

  9. 我们应做唯物主义者。

    We should be materialists .

  10. 缘是一是奇妙的东西,我是个唯物主义者,但我偏偏又相信缘。

    It is a wonderful thing , I 'm a materialist , but I also believe it .

  11. 辩证唯物主义者主张动机和效果的统一,手段和目的的统一。

    Dialectic materialism maintains the unity of motive and effective , the unity of measures and purposes .

  12. 艾伦很快就成为一个坚定地唯物主义者,并声明自己是无神论者。

    He would soon emerge as a forceful exponent of the materialist view and identify himself as an atheist .

  13. 同时他也是古希腊最早的一位唯物主义者和原子理论的奠基人之一。

    He was also one of the earliest materialists of ancient Greece and one of the founders of atomic theory .

  14. 作为唯物主义者,我们不相信上帝,我们相信的是群众。

    As materialists , we do not put our faith in God but we do put our faith in the masses .

  15. 物质与意识的关系问题则不然,它只是在近代才由法国唯物主义者明确提出的。

    The relation between material and consciousness is not so . It was explicitly advanced by French materialists only at modern times .

  16. 正如我所说的霍布斯是一位唯物主义者,恰恰是这点使得他在当时臭名昭著。

    So , as I have said Hobbes is a materialist and this is the thing more than anything made him notorious at the time .

  17. 马克思明确宣称他是唯物主义者,他一贯坚持以思维与存在的关系问题作为哲学的基本问题。否定马克思主义哲学的物质本体论,就是否定唯物主义,就是否定实事求是这一马克思主义的精髓。

    To deny the materialistic ontology of Marxist philosophy is to deny materialism , to deny the essence of Marxist philosophy of being realistic and practical .

  18. 与机械唯物主义者不同,斯宾诺莎不认为事物的秩序是固定不变的,更不认为理性可以完全把握这个秩序。

    Spinoza differs from mechanical materialists in that he does not consider the order of things constant , much less consider reason able to grasp this or-der thoroughly .

  19. 我们是历史唯物主义者,研究和解决任何问题都离不开一定的历史条件。

    We are historical materialists , and when we study a problem and try to solve it we can not do so in isolation from the given historical conditions .

  20. 回顾我自己的过去,我有趣地发现,我在六岁之前是作为一个科学唯物主义者抚养的。

    On looking back over my own life , I was interested to realize that I had been brought up between the ages of one and six as a scientific materialist .

  21. 即使全部感觉,全部情感,全部思想,像我们唯物主义者所假定的那样,只是神经的过程,但我们仍然不知道这一机制的全部细节;

    Even if all sensation and all emotion and all thought are just a matter of nerves , as we materialists suppose , we don 't know the details of all the mechanism ;

  22. 因此,我国的自然科学家只有成为自觉的辩证唯物主义者,才能够在我国的社会主义现代化建设中作出应有的贡献。他既是唯物主义者,又是唯心主义者;

    And therefore not until natural scientists in our country become conscious dialectical materialists will they be capable of making such contributions as they are supposed to make towards China 's Socialist modernization .

  23. 唯物主义者并不一般地反对功利主义,但是反对封建阶级的、资产阶级的、小资产阶级的功利主义,反对那种口头上反对功利主义、实际上抱着最自私最短视的功利主义的伪善者。

    Materialists do not oppose utilitarianism in general but the utilitarianism of the feudal , bourgeois and petty-bourgeois classes ; they oppose those hypocrites who attack utilitarianism in words but in deeds embrace the most selfish and short-sighted utilitarianism .

  24. 教科书把古代朴素唯物主义者关于说明世界本原的某种具体物质形态理解为古代的物质概念,把近代自然科学家解释物质结构的观点当成近代的物质范畴,这是不妥的。

    The textbook has some specific material formation , which was used to explain the origin of the world by ancient native materialists as the concept of material in ancient time . It also considers modern natural scientists'explanation of the materials structure as the material category in modern time .