
  • 网络yogacara
  1. 本文主要研究太虚的唯识学思想。

    This paper mainly inquires into his thought of consciousness-only .

  2. 印度瑜伽行派唯识学缘起思想之特质

    The Nature of the Thought of Dependent Origination in the Yogacara School of Indian Buddhism

  3. 唯识学的物质观与量子力学的正统派&哥本哈根学派的思想有某种程度的共通性。

    There are some similarities between material-determinism and the orthodox school of quantum mechanics ── Copenhagen School .

  4. 唯识学的物质观包括物质起源论和物质结构论。

    The view of knowledge-determinism consists of the source theory of material and structure theory of material .

  5. “新”有三方面的含义:第一,用现代语言对唯识学进行新诠释。

    " New " has the following meanings : ( 1 ) the new interpretation of thoughts of traditional consciousness-only philosophy ;

  6. 在第一部分中首先介绍的是佛教“唯识学”及其“识”的基本含义。

    The first part presents the basic meaning of Buddhistical school of " consciousness-only " and its concepts about " consciousness " .

  7. 作品还通过对牛魔王的妻子、儿子、弟弟和江湖朋友的描写,把牛魔王形象的文化内涵,推进到了佛教唯识学的层面上,使牛魔王这一形象,沉淀了丰厚的文化内涵。

    With the portrayal of Ox Demon King 's wife , son and friends , his image has assumed profound cultural meanings .

  8. 唯识学的细腻理论从根本上影响了宋明理学的发展,但在佛学内部却没能继续壮大发展下去。

    The sophisticated theory influenced the emergency and growth of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism while regressed day by day in the development of Chinese Buddhism itself .

  9. 本文从现代心理学角度考察了唯识学之心法八识所建构的认识结构。

    On the view of modern psychology , this paper will make an explanation to the cognitive structure of the " Eight Knowledge " in Buddhism Vijnanamatravada Philosophy .

  10. 梁漱溟试图融合佛教唯识学和柏格森生命哲学的观点,用以阐释和发挥儒家“生”之哲学的精义,以重建儒家的理想人格。

    Hang Shuming attempt to fuse Buddhist Dharmalaksana and the viewpoint of Bergson life philosophy , to explain and develop the Confucianism the philosophy of livelihood shrewd justice , to rebuild the ideal personality of the confucianism .