
  1. 女性主义政治思想流派纷呈原因初探

    A Tentative Study on the Reason for the form of the Various Genres in the Feminism Political Thought

  2. 社群主义,作为20世纪后期西方政治哲学流派,是在反思与批判自由主义的进程中发展起来的。

    Communitarianism , as the western political philosophy school on later stage of the 20th century , develops during the process of reviewing and criticizing liberalism .

  3. 新制度主义政治学主要流派及其整合研究述评

    A Review of Study on Major Schools of New Institutional Politics and Their Integration

  4. 随后文章的第三章是理论分析部分,主要阐述了主要的经济学及政治经济学各个流派的观点,同时也为下文的案例分析打好理论基础。

    The following third chapter is about theory , stating the points from different schools in economics and political economics which are also the foundation of the following case studying .

  5. 历来左联研究的薄弱之处在于,将左联只是作为一种流派,而且是政治性的流派来对待,不注重左联首先是一个社团,而且是一个文学社团。

    The weakness of previous studies on the Chinese Leftist Writers'League ( CLWL ) lies in taking CLWL only as a school , a political school , not as a group , a literary group .

  6. 社群主义是当代政治学理论主要流派之一。社群主义也被称为公益政治学或新集体主义。

    As one of the main schools of contemporary politics , communitarianism is also called " Public Interest Politics " or " New Collectivism " .

  7. 为挽救这一现状,许多爱国之士致力于寻求和探讨社会政治变革的不同方案,而通过民族建立国家的思路则几乎是当时所有政治流派的共识。

    To save the current situation , many patriotic people dedicated to seeking and studying different scheme of social political change , and the thinking of establishing a state through nations was political consensus of almost all political groups .