
zhèng shè fēn kāi
  • separate government administration from commune management
政社分开[zhèng shè fēn kāi]
  1. 坚持独立自主,政社分开,国家支持办社的根本政策;

    Persisting in the policy of independent operation with government 's support ;

  2. 建设政企、政市、政事、政社分开的管理服务与部门利益分离的以保持社会公开、公平、公正为己任的中立政府。

    Constructing an open , fair and just government which separates administration from enterprises , cities , affairs and society .

  3. 当话题从政社分开具体到政府建设与社会建设,小政府大社会的改革进入新的发展期,同时也陷入了新的困境期:如何把本属社会的事务还给社会?这些事务由谁承接?

    The reform of " a simplified government and big society " not only enters into its development period , but also is in a new dilemma .

  4. 引入社会工作制度,建构政社分开的社会体制,是我国社区建设制度和体制创新的必要条件。

    It is contended that a primary condition for community policy and system creativity in China is to introduce social work system and construct the system of community independent of government .

  5. 因此,加快发展社会中介组织,使其成为政府转移职能的重要承载体,是促进政社分开、进一步转变政府职能的必然选择和重要途径。

    So , developing societal medi-organization and making it carrier of this function that government transferred out , is the necessary choose and important approach which will accelerate detaching government from society and changing the function of government .

  6. 建议在立法机关及时完善体育社会团体的自律性处罚权的同时,应采取措施使政社分开,保障体育社会团体真正实现自律性管理。

    The paper suggests that while the legislature perfects the self discipline of sports social groups , it should take measures to separate the politics from society , to ensure sports social groups so as to realize self discipline administration .