
zǐ shā
  • Purple sand;redware
  1. 复合保健紫砂陶瓷的研究

    Investigation on compound health care redware

  2. 他也跨界设计造型极其简朴的紫砂茶具(它的制作原料紫砂泥只有江苏出产),以及灵感源自中国街边普通板凳的家具,并与荷兰家居品牌Moooi合作生产这些家具。

    He is also a designer of products such as starkly minimalist tea sets made from zisha clay , found only in China 's Jiangsu province , and furniture inspired by the country 's humble street stools , made in collaboration with Dutch brand Moooi .

  3. 紫砂陶瓷的加湿器现在市场上不是很多的。

    Purple ceramic humidifier on the market today are not many .

  4. 紫砂陶器的生产,仍需沿用传统的方式。

    The production of red pottery still needs the traditional method .

  5. 乌龙茶也适合用紫砂茶具泡制。

    and Oolong tea is also excellent in purple clay ware .

  6. 舒展顺畅。在传统紫砂艺术的基础上有着对美感认识的自我追求。

    On the basis of service to know yourself with aesthetic pursuit .

  7. 最近,很多读者咨询关于紫砂壶的这些问题。

    Recently , many readers advice on ceramic tea-pot of these problems .

  8. 紫砂茶具文化反映了中华文化的精神。

    Purple clay teapot culture reflected spirit of Chinese culture . 2 .

  9. 山西省紫砂陶土矿床地质特征及成因

    Geological Feature and Genesis of the Purple Sand Syderolite Deposits

  10. 浅论紫砂陶艺与非物质性设计

    Discussing on purplish Sand Pottery Art and the Non - substance Desingn

  11. 这个漂亮的茶壶是用紫砂烧制而成的。

    This beautiful teapot is made of purple clay .

  12. 用紫砂茶壶沏泡龙井茶,可使其更具有中国风味。

    Longjing tea Brewed in a red teapot has a stronger Chinese flavour .

  13. 嘴里含着你和紫砂壶一般高贵、典雅的名字!

    Mouth with a general Purple-pot you and the noble , elegant name !

  14. 宜兴紫砂工艺是我国民间一门优秀的传统陶瓷工艺美术。

    Yixing red pottery is an excellent part of Chinese traditional art ceramics .

  15. 宜兴紫砂的历史和未来

    History & future of the Purple-clay pottery of Yixing

  16. 本文从追溯紫砂的成长历史入手,率领读者安步紫砂艺术圣殿。

    This paper read violet sand art from the developing history of violet sand .

  17. 如何才能买到好的紫砂壶呢?

    How to buy a good ceramic tea-pot ?

  18. 38℃的红色紫砂土对电解质的选择性

    Selectivity of red stone ware for electrolyte

  19. 紫砂茶壶,形态各异,尤其强调个性美。

    Red teapots are different from each other in shape , especially emphasizing individual Beauty .

  20. 她引领着以她为代表的宜兴紫砂雕塑的又一种风格。

    She leads another kind of Yixing Purple Clay sculpture which is represented by her .

  21. 该紫砂陶瓷电饭锅具有快速、准确控温的优点。

    The violet sand ceramics electric cooker has the advantage of rapid and accurate temperature control .

  22. 宜兴紫砂陶器是由一种奇特的当地红粘土制成的。

    Yixing 's brown earth pottery is made of a peculiar kind of local red clay .

  23. 紫砂艺术是一种“源于生活,高于生活”的艺术创作形式。

    Boccaro art can be described as a type that is " from but beyond life . "

  24. 令中国的紫砂茶具畅销中国,走向世界。

    And so it makes Chinese purple clay teapot sells well in China and also in the international market .

  25. 紫砂工艺品越旧越有品味,随着时间的推移更显其自身价值。

    The older the more purple Crafts taste , as time goes on even more of their own value .

  26. 浅谈17~18世纪外销紫砂器特征及对欧洲制陶业影响

    Discussion on Characteres of Purple Sand Pottery Exported Between 17th to 18th Century and Their Influence to European Ceramics

  27. 产自福建的黑釉茶具则成了主流,而紫砂茶具在江苏宜兴出现了。

    Black glazed tea ware from Fujian was dominant , while purple clay tea wares emerged in Yixing , Jiangsu .

  28. 紫砂壶艺术已具备高度的艺术品位,逐渐形成了独特的民族风格。

    That the arts have a high degree of artistic taste , and has gradually formed a unique national style .

  29. 紫砂壶创始年可追溯到北宋中期,距今有900年历史。

    The first Zisha teapot could be traced back to the middle of Northern Song Dynasty , 900 years ago .

  30. 我们设计了一种非常简朴的紫砂杯,它会让大家纳闷这种杯子有什么了不起的?

    We created a really simple cup that makes people go , what 's the big deal with this cup ?