
hēi tán
  • ebony
  1. 黑檀树种黑而坚硬树木。

    Ebony is a hard black wood .

  2. 在这个黑檀箱子里,有一个十二吋见方,八吋高的精美绝伦的银匣子。

    Inside the ebony case was a magnificent silver casket , about twelve inches square by eight high .

  3. 各种黑檀树木的深色木料。

    Very dark wood of any of several blackwood trees .

  4. 为(家具)着色使成黑檀色。

    Stain ( furniture ) black to make it look like ebony .

  5. 黑檀树以它的黑硬木而有价值。

    Trees are valued for their black wood .

  6. 的去路,这里的海边由高大的黑檀树所遮蔽,还有一种红木和其他硬木,有。

    And entangle the voyager , the low margin of the sea was covered .

  7. 城市之窗黑檀家具

    Black Sandal Furniture of Window of City

  8. 在天蓝色灯光与黑檀镶板装饰的水疗间,整个涂抹金泥的过程耗时2个多小时。

    The build-up to that golden smearing takes place over two hours in a spa room with sky-blue lighting and black wood panelling .

  9. 它可以化成不同的大小和颜色,由象牙般纯白变成黑檀深黑甚至彩虹的颜色,以逃过猎人的追捕。

    It can be turned into different sizes and colors from ivory into ebony black or white as rainbow colors , to escape hunters hunt .

  10. 卷曲的刨花翻滚着落在地板上,有色泽最淡的松树,也有深色的黑檀。吉他工匠将几片平凡的木板打磨成了乐器艺术品。

    Curly wood shavings , from the palest pine to ebony , cascade to the floor as artisans hone a few humble planks into acoustic works of art .

  11. 熔炉现在将会为英国广播公司探索的第五个阶段接受任何一个下列的三类型的黑檀:黑檀群,作形了黑檀硬币,或弯曲的黑檀磁盘片。

    The forge will now accept any of the following three types of ebon for the fifth stage of the BBC quest : Ebon Cluster , Shaped Ebon Coin , or Bent Ebon Disk .

  12. 以山河、花鸟、瓜果、虫鱼作为题材,工匠们能用黑檀木刻花瓶、果篮、烟具和家具。

    With mountains and rivers , flowers and birds , melons and fruits , insects and fishes as subjects , the artisans can carve vases , fruit baskets , smoking sets and furniture out of the blackwood .