
  • 网络black history month;bhm
  1. 我的美国同胞们,在2017年黑人历史月结束之际,

    My fellow Americans , As Black History Month 2017 comes to a close ,

  2. 一些人从时间点上看出了照片的政治暗示:这一消息发布于2月1日,这是黑人历史月的第一天。

    Some saw a hint of politics in the timing : the news came on 1 February , the first day of Black History Month .

  3. 我对他的致敬被我室友说“超有种族歧视”,你觉得呢?(黑人历史月:赞颂黑人克服种种困难以及对美国历史的贡献;乔治·华盛顿·卡弗:美国教育家、农业化学家、植物学家,对美国有巨大贡献的一名黑人)

    I portrayed George Washington Carver in a loving tribute that my roommate called " wildly racist " What do you think ?

  4. 在美国,每年2月是黑人历史月,追忆影响非洲裔美国人历史的人物和事件。

    In the United States , February is Black History Month , a time when observances pay tribute to people and events that shaped the history of African Americans .

  5. 我可以告诉你下面这些。也在本周,在黑人历史月的第一天,我很荣幸邀请非裔美国领导人来到白宫。

    That I can tell you . Also this week , on the first day of Black History Month , I was pleased to host African American leaders at the White House .