
dài guǎn
  • escrow;administer;administrate for the owner;manage on behalf of another;serve as an acting administrative body
代管 [dài guǎn]
  • (1) [serve as an acting administrative body]∶根据上级领导机关的规定,对非建制内的单位或某些工作实行领导管理

  • (2) [administrate for the owner]∶代替所有者进行管理

  1. 老板出国期间由谁代管?

    Who 's minding the shop while the boss is abroad ?

  2. 这笔钱将由人代管到她18岁为止。

    The money will be held in trust until she is 18 .

  3. 被另一个有代管遗产的karl骗了6000美元。

    Out of $ 6000 by some other trust fund karl .

  4. HP代管的服务器&一整套包括管理、监控和维护等功能的解决方案,客户无需担心系统的运维。

    HP Managed Server-a complete management , monitoring and maintenance solution so customers need not worry about the operating system .

  5. EDS以代管客户的运算业务等服务外包活动而闻名。

    EDS was known for outsourcing activities such as taking over management of customers ' computing operations .

  6. 据一份内部备忘录透露,汇丰中国区行政总裁黄碧娟(HelenWong)将代管香港业务,直至找到继任者。黄碧娟还将从3月起出任汇丰大中华区总裁。

    Helen Wong , chief executive of its Chinese operation , will run Hong Kong until a successor is found and will take on a new position as head of Greater China for HSBC in March , according to an internal memo .

  7. 关于公有财产代管人制度的设计过程

    Designing Process of the Public Property Managing Agent System : Humans

  8. 农村留守儿童代管中的法律关系及法律责任

    Legal Relationship and Legal Liability in Substitute Management of Left-behind Children

  9. 1992年沧州地市合并,河间市由沧州市代管。

    Cangzhou City in1992 to merge Hejian hosted by the Cangzhou City .

  10. 这笔金钱由他人为他的子女代管。

    The money was to be held in trust for his children .

  11. 这家的宠物委托邻居代管。

    The family pet was left in the trust of a neighbour .

  12. 矿区铁路自营和代管问题的探讨

    Probe into Self-operation and Factoring of Railway in Mining Areas

  13. 一种基于指纹辨识的银行代管保管箱管理系统

    A bank deposit boxes management system based on fingerprint recognition

  14. 这钱由人代管到我25岁时为止。

    The money is in trust until I 'm twenty-five .

  15. 代管汽车分期付款的到期帐目是当今一桩巨大的业务。

    Factoring in connection with automobile installment accounts is a big business today .

  16. 英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。

    Britain is mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa .

  17. 析非国有档案代管、寄存的有关法律问题

    A Legal Issue About State-Owned Archives Trusted to or Deposited in Some Agencies

  18. 他生病其间,生意由他女儿代管。

    When she was ill , her daughter took her business over from her .

  19. 这笔钱委托他人代管,到他二十一岁才能使用。

    The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty-one .

  20. 本文在介绍指纹识别基本原理的基础上,设计出一种基于指纹辨识的银行代管保管箱管理系统。

    Based on fingerprint recognition principles , a bank deposit boxes management system is designed .

  21. 利用自动转账功能进行代管费的个人核算

    Using the Auto - transfer Accounts to Perform Personal Accounting of Students ' Administration Fee

  22. 作出推迟采纳新规则的决定之际,欧盟委员会自身正处于临时代管状态。

    The postponement comes at a time when the commission itself is in caretaker mode .

  23. 当妈妈住院时,大女儿代管事务。

    While the mother was going into hospital , her elder daughter held the fort .

  24. 干吗不休息一天?我来为你代管。

    Why not have a day off ? I 'll hold the fort for you .

  25. 我不会支付超过30美元,直到我没有看到样机代管。

    I will not pay more than $ 30 , and no escrow till I see mockup .

  26. 由物业管理公司代管的居者有其屋计划屋苑

    Agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate

  27. 在你代管时任务完成得更快,或许正是因为这个原因。

    Perhaps this is why things get done quicker in the office when you are in charge .

  28. 医生须得去伦敦找一个医师来代管他的业务。

    The doctor had to go to London for a physician to take charge of his practice .

  29. 他最近一次颇具争议的举动是代管了中国其他地方的几所古寺庙。

    His most recent controversial move was to act as an agent for other temples in the country .

  30. 让邮局代管你的邮件,或者邮寄到另外一个地址;也可以让邻居代收。

    Have your mail held at the post office or re-directed , or ask a neighbour to collect it .