
dài hào
  • code;designation;code name;symbol;mark
代号 [dài hào]
  • [code name] 代替正式名称的别名,编号或字母

代号[dài hào]
  1. 这次行动的代号为“发电机”。

    The operation was given the code name Dynamo .

  2. 开发平板电脑的行动中途曾暂停数年,研发力量被转移至“紫色计划”(projectpurple)这就是后来的iphone的代号。

    The tablet initiative was put on hold for a few years and development efforts were transferred to project purple the code name for what would become the iPhone .

  3. 这次行动的代号是“月光奏鸣曲”。

    The operation was code-named Moonlight Sonata .

  4. 天津的代号是多少?

    What 's the code for tianjin .

  5. 在后期,它是独裁、无能和腐化的代号。

    In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism , incompetence , and corruption .

  6. 我们已经定义了不同的指数代号。通常它们指的是具有最大粘度500FU的面团

    Various indices have been defined , usually they refer to doughs with a maximum consistency of 500FU .

  7. 银行转帐。accountnumber是「帐户号码」;bankcode是转帐用的「银行代号」不要在网络上转帐给陌生人。

    bank transfer Don 't make bank transfers to strangers on the Iternet .

  8. 单代号网络计划技术CAD系统研究

    Research on CAD of activity - on - node network

  9. AutoCAD中焊缝代号自动标注功能的开发

    The Development of Welded Joint Symbol Auto-marking Function in Auto CAD System

  10. 对于多个参数,只需在格式化串中添加代号,并给出相应的C目标变量。

    To handle multiple arguments , simply string format codes together and include corresponding C targets for each code in the string .

  11. 基于AutoCAD的形位公差代号标注系统的开发

    Development of a geometric tolerance code tagging system based on the AutoCAD

  12. 焊缝代号的AutoCAD二次开发与应用

    The Redevelopment and Application of Weld Symbol Based on AutoCAD

  13. AutoCAD系统中标注表面粗糙度代号的技巧

    Some Skills to Mark Surface Roughness in AutoCAD System

  14. PLC主控单元根据控制要求列出输入输出信号并标出代号。

    The main control unit of PLC listed I / O signals and marked designations according to the control request .

  15. 选用可食性材料配制成一种代号为C的新型澄清剂用于鸭梨清汁加工工艺,具有快速澄清的效果。

    Clarificant C , made of edibles , could raise efficiency of filtration for making clarified juice and get clarified Yali pear juice with high quality .

  16. 在利用AutoCAD进行焊接结构设计时,需要绘制大量的焊缝代号。

    A large number of weld symbols are used in AutoCAD designs for welding structure .

  17. 核生产标准识别号为“NF”,其后为元件唯一识别代号。

    Nuclear manufacturing standards are identified : 'NF'followed by a unique component figure number .

  18. 例如,考虑一个简单的用于获取股票报价的Web服务:使用者传入股票代号,然后取回股票的当前价格。

    For example , consider a simple Web service for getting a stock quote : The consumer passes in a stock symbol and gets back the stock 's current price .

  19. 大代号PRO往往位于非限定句的主语位置,因为句中只有这个位置不受管辖。

    PRO always occurs in the subject position of a non-finite clause , because only this position is ungoverned .

  20. 苹果最新版本的MAC桌上型电脑操作系统被称为MacOSXLion(代号:“狮子”)。

    Apple 's new version of its desktop operating system for Mac computers is called Mac OS X Lion .

  21. 业务标识符的例子包括产品代码,例如GlobalTradeIdentificationNumber(GTIN),股票代号和条形码编号。

    Examples include product codes , such as the Global Trade Identification Number ( GTIN ), ticker symbols , and bar code numbers .

  22. 这一“重大技术突破”是代号为“常青藤之桥”的22纳米微处理器,它将是首款运用3D晶体管的大容量芯片。

    The " major technical breakthrough " is a 22nm microprocessor codenamed Ivy bridge , which will be the first high-volume chip to use 3-D transistors .

  23. 这个新的Web服务与前面构建的网页类似,都将股票代号作为输入,然后返回以日元计价的股票报价。

    The new web service is similar to the web page built previously in that it takes as input a stock symbol and returns the stock quote for the symbol in yen .

  24. 给出了该ECU内部结构及各端子代号和含义。

    The inside structure and terminal codes and meanings of the ECU are given .

  25. 福清级是北约对PLA海军第一艘再补给油船的代号。

    Fuqing class is the name given by NATO to the the PLA Navy 's first replenishment oilers .

  26. 工程图中基准代号自动标注的ARX二次开发

    Development of AutoCAD on Automatic Labeling Base Symbol Used ARX

  27. 微软正打算在今年晚些时候推出代号为WindowsBlue的修改版Windows8,新系统可能会让两个界面之间的切换变得顺畅。

    Microsoft is planning a revision of Windows 8 , code-named ' Windows Blue , ' later this year that may smooth out the interaction between the two interfaces .

  28. 采用农杆菌介导法成功地将反义PG基因导入新疆加工番茄(品种代号:98-75)。

    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation had been used to introduce the Anti-PG gene into processing tomato ( cv . 98-75 ) .

  29. 林嘉辉在2005年8月和9月的三封电子邮件中将信息透露给了他的朋友方仁宏,并以“法国车”(frenchcar)为代号来称呼这桩拟议中的交易。

    Mr Lam disclosed that information to Mr Fong , a friend , in three e-mails in August and September 2005 , giving the proposed deal the codename " the French car " .

  30. 最终结果是得到一个图形用户界面(GUI),其中显示有公司名称、股票代号和股价。

    The end result will be a graphical user interface ( GUI ) that displays company names , their stock symbols , and stock prices .