
  • 网络take as tea;drink as tea
  1. 方法:将慢性肥厚性咽炎178例随机分为两组,治疗组采用Nd:YAG激光治疗加复方甘桔袋泡剂代茶饮,每次2袋,每日3次,共14d。

    Method : 178 patients were randomly divided into two groups . The treatment group was treated by laser , and Chinese traditional medicine for 14 days .

  2. 目的:观察中药代茶饮在防治混合痔外剥内扎术后排尿障碍的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of Chinese-herb-tea treatment on the postoperative urine retention after the external piles-excise & internal piles-ligature operation of mixed hemorrhoids disease .

  3. 用青蒿治疗疟疾的记录至少可追溯到1596年,当时中国医药学家李时珍建议,患者应把青蒿代茶饮。

    Records of sweet wormwood , or Artemisia annua , being used against malaria date back to at least 1596 , when Li Shizhen , a Chinese medical scholar , suggested that it be given to patients as a tea .