
  1. 小丽:需要帮新娘代酒吗?

    Xiaoli : do I need to drink for the bride ?

  2. 以咖啡代酒,为我们的未来干杯!

    Cheers ! With our coffee cups for our future !

  3. 我们在宴会上以茶代酒。

    We substituted tea for wine at the banquet .

  4. 谨此敬祝千秋幸福。愿你以秋波代酒为我祝福!

    With my best wishes for your future happiness . Drink to me only with thine eyes .

  5. 我酒量不好,刚才已经喝了几杯,现在只能以茶代酒,请见谅。

    I am so sorry , but may I substitute wine with tea and seek your kind understanding .

  6. 为了使60年国庆更加太平不像慈禧66岁生日那样,司机们最好以果汁代酒,干杯庆祝。

    In order to make the nation's60th birthday less deadly than Cixi's66th , drivers would do well to make their toasts in fruit juice .

  7. 现如今,新一代烈性酒生产商们正为鸡尾酒爱好者们打造具有创意的品牌。

    Today a new generation of spirit entrepreneurs is originating innovative brands for cocktail drinkers .

  8. Pinterest网站上有大量旧石器鸡尾酒调制单,比如旧石器草莓代基里酒,由“旧石器女孩厨房”提供。

    Pinterest , in fact , is brimming with Paleo cocktail recipes , like the Paleo Strawberry Daiquiri , courtesy of Paleo Girl 's Kitchen .

  9. 听上去和普通代基里酒差不多。

    It sounds pretty much like a regular daiquiri .

  10. 代基里酒一种由朗姆酒、莱姆汁或柠檬汁和糖混合的加冰鸡尾酒

    An iced cocktail of rum , lime or lemon juice , and sugar . a drink with a rum base

  11. 因而有宋一代的榷酒制度,对造成宋词的创作环境、描写对象、演唱曲调、传播方式等,都具有鲜明的影响。

    The system of wine sale in the Song Dynasty made a great influence on the circumstance around the poet , writing object , singing melody and style of spreading .