
mù pái
  • raft;wood raft
木排 [mù pái]
  • [raft;wooden craft] 用圆木或木料捆扎在一起的作顺流运输的工具

  1. 她在一只木排上漂泊了7天。

    She spent seven days afloat on a raft .

  2. 到一定时候,坚持着的街垒不免要成为墨杜萨木排了。

    At a given moment , every barricade inevitably becomes the raft of la Meduse .

  3. (路)木排路用圆木按十字形排成的。

    ( of roads ) made of logs laid down crosswise .

  4. 木排是什么?优昙花是什么?

    What do " drifting log mokkl'and " udonge flower'mean ?

  5. 他们将木头绑成木排顺河运送。

    They rafted the logs down the river .

  6. 木排粗糙度附加系数的研究木排进出船闸时的运行阻力

    Studies on the Raft_Roughness Additional Coefficien WATER RESISTANCE ON RAFTS PASSING THROUGH SHIP LOCK

  7. 木排摩擦阻力的试验研究

    An experimental study on the friction of rafts

  8. 木排过船闸水阻力模型试验及其数据换算

    Model test of raft going through lock gates and the conversion of the data

  9. (将树干并排横铺于湿软之地面而成的)木排路。

    Corduroy road ( road made of tree trunks laid side-by-side across swampy land )

  10. 木排在波浪中浮沉着。挖泥机(不包括浮动挖泥船),非自动推进式

    The swimming raft was dancing in the waves . dredger ( excl. floating ), not self-propelled

  11. 木排在波浪中浮沉着。木头能漂浮(於水面)。

    The swimming raft was dancing in the waves . Wood floats ( in water ) .

  12. 桥墩设计用的漂浮木排。

    Debris raft for Pier design .

  13. 木排的前端有个水客,拿根竹篱驾御着木排。

    On the front of the raft there was a water rat with a pole to steer it .

  14. 十字形的,交叉的互相交叉的或以十字形为特征的(路)木排路用圆木按十字形排成的。

    Crossing one another or marked by crossings . ( of roads ) made of logs laid down crosswise .

  15. 那年夏天,我常常坐在自制的木排上,想着将爸爸吸引回我身边的各种方法。

    That summer I used to sit on my raft and think of ways to lure my father back .

  16. 这种小船由独木或用木排、竹排编制而成,是世界上最早的帆船。

    These small yacht were usually made of canoe , kayak or bamboo , this is the earliest yacht .

  17. 我先走到那条小河边。这条小河,先前已经提到,是我木排靠岸的地方。

    I went up the creek first , where , as I hinted , I brought my rafts on shore ;

  18. 其中的交通工具包括小划艇、渡船、小划子、木排和汽船,展现了一种自由而冒险的生活方式。

    Its conveyance types , including skiff , ferry , canoe , raft and steamboat , demonstrate a free and adventurous lifestyle .

  19. 应用船舶界有关船模静水阻力试验的方法,进行木排模型阻力试验。

    This paper applies the method of ship model resistance experiment on resting water in ship circles to raft model resistance experiment .

  20. 一年之中,这时节的河水奔流得很快,木排已经在国王和珍宝的身边滑过去了。

    The River flows so swiftly at that time of the year that the raft had already glided past the King and Jewel .

  21. 上游一英里路外,正有一排庞然大物似的木筏子漂过来,木排正中间点着一盏灯。

    A monstrous big lumber-raft was about a mile up stream , coming along down , with a lantern in the middle of it .

  22. 通过木排原型阻力的现场测试与相应的模型试验分析对比,确定了木排粗糙度附加系数的数值。

    The value of additional coefficient of raft roughness is established through the comparative analysis of raft prototype resistance measurement on the spot and relevant model experiment .

  23. 只差一点,木排上的货物就会滑向飘在水里的一头而最后滑入水中。

    It wanted but a little that all my cargo had slip 'd off towards that end that was a-float , and so fall into the water .

  24. 这时,至少有20个人聚在那溅不到浪花的岩石上,观望着木排上的几个人。

    By now there were at least twenty people clustered on the rocks , safely out of reach of the spume , watching the group on the raft .

  25. 可是,再一想,我还是把钱拿走了。我一边把钱用一块帆布包好,一边考虑再做一只木排。

    However , upon second thoughts , I took it away , and wrapping all this in a piece of canvas , I began to think of making another raft .

  26. 结合闽江航道的情况,研究了木捆排的尺寸及型式,并分析了将目前的单层木排拖运改革为木捆排拖运的经济效益。

    The paper also analysis the economic benefit after substituting the log bundle raft for the one-layer raft and tries to determine the optimum type and size of the log bundle raft .

  27. 六根漂亮的树干,全是新伐倒的、新砍掉枝丫的,捆绑在一起,做成一个木排,正迅速地顺流而下。

    Half a dozen splendid tree-trunks , all newly cut and newly lopped of their branches , had been lashed together to make a raft , and were gliding swiftly down the river .