
  • 网络shea butter
  1. 在一些体现的成分,也可能包括蜜蜡、植物油、维生素E、迷迭香油,或乳木果或混合物来进一步提高其有益的效果。

    In some embodiment , the composition may also include beeswax , vegetable oil , vitamin E , rosemary oil , or shea butter or combinations thereof to further enhance its beneficial effects .

  2. 包含乳木果油、防晒成分、保湿成分的产品效果比较好。

    Products that contain Shea butter and sunscreens and which moisturize the hair are recommended .

  3. 含芦荟、合桃果、乳木果、橄榄油、玫瑰果、蓝莓及维他命E等精华素。

    This hand cream contains aloe vera , walnut oil , shea butter , olive oil , rosehip , blueberries extract and Vitamin E.

  4. 野莓乳木果花蕾膏掺杂着浓郁的怀旧气息,混合了野莓、香草、蜂蜜的香甜,乳木果、维他命E的滋润。

    " Brambleberry Rose Lip Balm " is a nostalgic blend of wild berry flavors with overtones of honey and vanilla and moisturized with Shea Butter and Vitamin E.

  5. 用超临界CO2流体萃取技术对接骨木果油进行萃取,采用四因素三水平正交试验,探讨了萃取压力、温度、时间、CO2流量对接骨木果油萃取率的影响。

    The effects of extraction pressure , temperature , time , rate of CO_2 flow on the extraction rate of Sambucus williamsii fruits oil by supercritical CO_2 fluid extraction technique were discussed by orthogonal design .

  6. 主要成份:乳木果、蜂蜡、檀香、佛手柑。

    Main ingredients : shea , beeswax , sandalwood and bergamot .

  7. 主要成份:乳木果、姜油、矿物泥、氨基酸、海泉精华。

    Ingredient : Shea butter , ginger oil and mineral mud etc.

  8. 接骨木果油降血脂作用研究

    Effect of Sambucus williamsii Hance Fruit Oil on Reduce Plasma Lipids

  9. 环氧接骨木果油增塑剂的合成

    Synthetize of Plasticizer on the Epoxy Sambucus Williamsii Hance Oil

  10. 木果楝种子的化学成分及抗肿瘤活性研究

    Studies on Chemical Constituents and Antitumor Activities of the Seeds of Xylocarpus Granatum

  11. 木嘎和木果说我俩去打猎。

    John and Jack said we both went hunting .

  12. 结论接骨木果油具有明显的降血脂、抗动脉硬化作用,其作用优于脉通。

    Conclusion Sambucus williamsii Hance fruit oil can reduce plasma lipids and arteriosclerosis .

  13. 主要成份:活泉水补水因子、乳木果精华等。

    Main Components : spring water adding genes , Shea Butter cream and etc.

  14. 主要成份:乳木果、百里香、迷迭香、荷荷巴油、柠檬。

    Ingredient : Shea butter , thyme and rosemary etc.

  15. 主要成份:乳木果、微量元素、维他命。

    Usage : Shea butter and microelement etc.

  16. 功效:完美结合了乳木果的果实清香,恬静的气息给人带来和谐、温馨。

    Efficacy : perfectly combined the faint scent of shea fruit and quiet atmosphere brings harmony and warmness .

  17. 功效:乳木果油为肌肤带来保护、滋养、舒缓、保湿及柔肤功效。

    Efficacy : Shea butter possesses the efficacy of protecting , nourishing , relieving , moisturizing and softening skin .

  18. 哀牢山木果柯林及其退化植被下土壤无机氮库的干季动态特征

    Dry-season dynamics of soil inorganic nitrogen pools in primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus forest and degraded vegetations in Ailao mountain , Yunnan Province

  19. 对那些皮肤很干燥,或者生活在更寒冷气候里的人们,你可以加入乳木果油到这个配方中。

    For those with very dry skin or living in colder climates , you can add shea butter to the recipe .

  20. 会在上午出现,带着大草帽,驱赶着我们到麦金利山上采摘接骨木果。

    Hunsicker would appear of a morning in her big straw hat and drag us off " berrying " on Mount McKinley .

  21. 舟山新木姜子苗木分级及不同密度试验主要成份:乳木果、姜油、矿物泥、氨基酸、海泉精华。

    Seedling Grading and Experiment on Seedling Cultivation with Different Density of Neolitsea sericea Ingredient : Shea butter , ginger oil and mineral mud etc.

  22. 结论:本研究对木果楝种子的化学成分进行了系统的提取、分离、结构鉴定及抗肿瘤活性初步筛选。

    Conclusion : We studied the chemical components of X. granatum seeds on the extraction , separation , identification and antitumor activities preliminary screening systematically .

  23. 主要成份:乳木果、角朊蛋白、氨基酸、聚季铵盐、阳离子泛醇。哮喘病血清嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白测定及临床意义

    Ingredient : Shea butter , polyclonal keratin and amino acid etc. The clinical significance of serum eosinophile cationic protein ( ECP ) of patients with asthma

  24. 皂皂用上60%以上橄榄油,再添加乳油木果脂,洗感绝对滋润。我觉得成皂色调有点怪怪,谁知女儿回家一开门说喜欢,像花岗石的理纹般可爱。

    While I was thinking the color is a little strange , but my daughter said she loves it because it looks like a piece of granite .

  25. 接骨木果,一种悬挂于接骨木树亮红色树枝上的深蓝色浆果,主要用于果胶、果酱、酒水的生产。

    Elderberries , the beautiful dark blue berries that hang from the bright red branches of the elderberry tree , are a staple in jellies , jams , wine and tea .

  26. 他用黄油煎牛脑、加盐、用盐和醋腌制的未成熟接骨木果,以及用糖和苹果醋烹制的成熟接骨木果。

    He has served brains fried in butter with the salt and sour of pickled and salted elderberry capers ( unripe elderberries ) and ripe elderberries cooked with sugar and cider vinegar .

  27. 所研究的果汁包括:苹果、黒莓、蓝莓、椰子、越橘、接骨木果、葡萄、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、菠萝和石榴等市场常见果品。

    Juice studied include : apples , black raspberries , blueberries , coconut , blueberry , elderberry fruit , grapes , grapefruit , lemon , lime , pineapple and pomegranate fruit , such as common market .

  28. 现在可可油和乳木果油该上场了,好的身体乳液能像面颊保湿那样给身体四肢保持水分,让你全身都柔软细腻。

    This is where the cocoa and shea butters come in : a good body lotion will replenish the moisture in your limbs as well as your cheeks , leaving you soft and supple all over .