
dài mǎ shēng chéng
  • code generation
  1. 基于Web界面设计模式的复杂行为建模及其代码生成方法

    Complicated behaviors modeling and code generation based on Web UI design pattern

  2. 基于轻量级xmlWeb服务的代码生成技术

    Code Generation Techniques for Developing Light-Weight XML Web Services

  3. 可移植C编译代码生成的算法

    An Algorithm for the Generation of Portable C Compile Codes

  4. Scheme既是一种语言,又是一种代码生成语言。

    Scheme is built to be both a language and a code-generating language for itself .

  5. 您应该已经能更好地避免自底向上的Web服务代码生成问题了。

    You should be in a much better position to avoid bottom-up Web services code generation problems .

  6. 1到C的记法映射规则,并给出了代码生成程序的算法和基本实现。

    Notations to C notations , and give an algorithms and a radical implementation of code generation .

  7. 基于敏捷方式的Java代码生成方法的设计

    Design of Java code generation based on agile

  8. 代码生成基于JET模板。

    The code generation is based on JET templates .

  9. 基于图像的轮廓跟踪及NC代码生成技术

    Trace for the Contour and the Generating Technology for NC Code Based on Image

  10. 如果您仍有代码生成问题,那么也将您的WebSphereApplicationServer测试环境升级到最新版本。

    If you still get code generation problems , also upgrade your WebSphere Application Server test environment to the latest level .

  11. 在Rose中代码生成工具的无缝集成

    Code Generation Tool Seamlessly Integrated with Rose

  12. 您学到了怎样通过更改JET代码生成模板来达到相同的效果。

    You learned how to achieve the same thing by changing the JET code generation template .

  13. NC代码生成输出等。

    NC codes outputting and so on .

  14. 虚拟制造中数据驱动的NC代码生成方法的研究

    A study on the NC code generating automatically based on data driving in virtual manufacture

  15. B方法是一种软件形式化方法,支持从规格说明到代码生成的整个软件开发周期。

    B-method is a software formal method , which supports the whole lifecycle of software development from formal specification to code generation .

  16. 用于代码生成和逆向工程的UML建模工具也得到了广泛的应用。

    UML modeling tools for code generation and reverse engineering are also used widely .

  17. 第二版开发计划中包括更好的XMLSchema支持、更灵活的代码生成方式以及模型之间的映射机制。

    The plans include better XML Schema support , more flexible code generation , and mapping between models .

  18. 总的说来,Web服务和SOA领域的很多权威都对从现有代码生成Web服务不屑一顾。

    In general , many authorities in the web services and SOA fields frown upon developing web services starting from existing code .

  19. 用户可控制在代码生成期间调用哪些CheckModel警告,这样就不会显示您不感兴趣的警告。

    Users can control which Check Model warnings are invoked during code generation , so that you can prevent warnings that are not of interest to you .

  20. 软PLC的编译程序包括词法分析、语法分析、语义分析和目标代码生成四个阶段。

    The compiled system includes the phrase analysis , syntax analysis , language analysis and generate target code .

  21. 根据MDA原则,该建模活动应该导致自动的代码生成。

    According to MDA principles , this modeling activity should result in automatic code generation .

  22. 代码生成技术在MDA中的实现

    Code Generating Implementation in Model Driven Architecture

  23. ckjm:ckjm是一个开源的工具,用于为Java代码生成Chidamber/Kemerer面向对象指标结果集。

    Ckjm : ckjm is an open source tool for generating Chidamber / Kemerer object-oriented metrics suite results for Java code .

  24. 如果您尝试了本文的所有建议,但仍旧遇到自底向上的Web服务代码生成问题,那么该问题可能是软件的缺陷。

    If you try all the suggestions in this article and still encounter bottom-up Web services code generation problems , the problem may be a software defect .

  25. EJB容器使用代码生成处理该问题。

    EJB containers handled this problem with code generation .

  26. acceptevent和accepttimeevent支持活动图上模型事件和计时的代码生成,执行,以及图形化。

    Code generation , execution , and animation support for accept event and accept time event to model events and timeouts on an activity diagram .

  27. 这个代码生成技巧使用EclipseGalileo中的新特性。

    This tip for generating code uses new features introduced in Eclipse Galileo .

  28. 开发了数控加工代码生成模块,可自动生成数控加工的NC代码。

    A module for NC codes generation is developed and the NC codes for cam manufacture can be generated automatically .

  29. 因此从代码生成WSDL在可预知的未来一段时间内将仍然可能是个需要考虑的问题。

    So generating WSDL from code is likely to remain an issue for the foreseeable future .

  30. 现在,让我们反过来做一下:用你的代码生成一个UML模型。

    Now , let 's do the reverse : Create a UML model out of the code you have .