
yǔ yì fēn xī
  • semantic analysis
  1. 数据抽取及语义分析在Web数据挖掘中的应用

    Application of data extraction and semantic analysis in Web mining

  2. 基于自然语言语义分析的Internet文件分类与过滤

    Filtering of Internet document based on natural language semantic analysis

  3. 字母词N的认知语义分析

    Cognitive and Semantic Analyses of the Alphabetical Word N

  4. V开语义分析

    The Semantic Analysis of the Construct of V + Kai

  5. 基于上下文约束的UML序列图语义分析方法

    The Context Constraint-Based Method for Semantic Analysis of UML Sequence Diagram

  6. 基于Ontology的汉语时间语义分析

    Chinese Temporal Semantics Analysis Based on Ontology

  7. 将Ontology与自然语言理解结合,通过建立基于Ontology技术的语义分析模型来提高语义理解的成功率。

    The Ontology technique is used in natural language understanding to improve the semantic analysis capacity .

  8. 软PLC的编译程序包括词法分析、语法分析、语义分析和目标代码生成四个阶段。

    The compiled system includes the phrase analysis , syntax analysis , language analysis and generate target code .

  9. 提出了一种对UML序列图进行语义分析的方法。

    In this paper , a method for semantic analysis of UML sequence diagram is presented .

  10. ATLAS语言的语义分析技术

    The Semantic Analysis of ATLAS and Its Realization G Language

  11. 这是规范的与非规范的系统之间的对比,但同时MP又是从语义分析的角度构建起来的系统。

    Meanwhile , MP is a system developed from the view of semantic analyses .

  12. 现代汉语VP起来的语法语义分析

    The Grammatical and Semantic Analysis of " VP qilai " in Modern Chinese

  13. 该方法以非受限领域的Web文档为处理对象,在机械文摘基础上融合了理解文摘中的相关语义分析技术,充分挖掘Web文档的结构特征来提取摘要。

    The method has added the semantic analysis technology of understanding digest on the found of mechanical digest and utilized fully the Web structure which has the auxiliary function to the summary .

  14. 综述了符号学在信息系统中的应用研究,着重介绍了组织符号学中的语义分析方法和norm分析方法。

    In this paper , semiotics applying information system and organizational semiotics are overviewed . Semantic analysis and norm analysis method was presented .

  15. 统一建模语言(UML)半形式化的特征使得难以对复杂系统的模型进行严格的语义分析和正确性验证。

    The semi-formal property of UML makes it difficult to support the rigorous semantic analysis and accuracy verification of the models of complex systems .

  16. 根据隐含语义分析(LSA)理论,提出了一种文本聚类的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method of text clustering by latent semantic analysis .

  17. 副词在与助词着(·zhe)的语义分析

    A Semantic Analysis on the Adverb " Zai " and the Partical " Zhe (· zhe )"

  18. 非古典逻辑Kripke语义分析的一阶理论

    The First-order Theory of Kripke 's Semantical Analysis of Non-classical Logics

  19. 其次,复杂系统的建模往往需要进行严格的语义分析,而UML缺乏精确的语义,因此对模型难以进行一致性检查和正确性分析,成为基于UML技术的严重缺陷。

    Second , modeling of complex systems requires rigorous analysis of semantics , but UML is lack of rigorous semantics , so it is difficult to verify and analyze UML specifications .

  20. 提出了一种支持本体构造的语义分析方法,该方法识别和定义概念间的语义联系,并将概念间的语义联系映射或转换成OWL原语。

    A semantic analysis approach is proposed , by which semantic relationships between concepts are identified and defined , and then mapped or transformed to OWL ( web ontology language ) ontology .

  21. 把复杂的网络站点作为多个业务数据源,采用数据仓库及数据挖掘技术,从中抽取并净化数据到挖掘数据库,从而将数据抽取及语义分析应用于Web数据挖掘中。

    A method is presented that applies data extraction and semantic analysis to Web mining , which regards complicated network website as a lot of business data sources and extracts and purifies these data to store them into a database with the aid of data warehouse and data mining technology .

  22. HPSG采用合一作为句法和语义分析的基本运算是非常理想的。

    HPSG adopts unification as the basic operation for syntactic and semantic parsing , which is ideal .

  23. 区别于以往采取专家系统、基于语义分析及基于关键字比较的分类方法,根据文本数据学习的特点,采用支持向量机(SVM)来实现电子邮件的智能分类方法。

    Different from the previous sorting procedures such as the expert system , text-based analysis and keyword-based comparison system , this paper adapt SVM to implement the intelligent sorting of the emails according to the text data learning characteristics .

  24. 通过显式语义分析方法将Web查询映射到Wikipedia概念空间中,然后在该概念空间中利用类似于传统文本分类的方法进行分类。

    Using the technique of Explicit Semantic Analysis , we map Web query into the space of Wikipedia concept . Then the traditional classification method can be applied in the Wikipedia concept space instead of the conventional word space .

  25. 针对潜在语义分析(LSA)模型的权重更新问题,提出了一种基于贝叶斯理论的自适应权重更新算法ALSAB。

    To the weight update of Latent Semantic Analysis ( LSA ) model , this paper proposes an adaptive weight update algorithm based on Bayesian theory ( ALSAB ) .

  26. 该算法在Apriori算法基础上进行了改进,增加了邮件源地址和关键词约束,与基于关键词过滤算法相比提高了准确率,与基于语义分析的过滤算法相比降低了算法复杂度。

    Adding restraints of source addresses and key words , the algorithm is improved on the basis of Apriori algorithm . The algorithm is more accurate than the e-mails filtering algorithms based on key words , and its complexity is less than the algorithm based on semantic analysis .

  27. 按照查询预处理的处理过程,分别描述了MDBI查询预处理器中词法分析、语法分析、语义分析的设计和实现。

    According to the processing procedure of query pre-compiler , this paper givens the general design and implementation of syntax analysis , semantics analysis in MDBI query pre-compiler .

  28. 介绍了网络媒体发展的现状,综合提出了一套新的系统&“语义分析互动知识系统,SAIKS”。

    The status of the network media trend is introduced and a new system " Semantic Analysis Interactive Knowledge System "( SAIKS ) is presented in this paper .

  29. 在这一流程中,句法分析使用GLR分析器处理上下文无关文法(CFG),获取句子结构特征以便为语义分析服务,句法规则照顾到覆盖率和准确率间的平衡。

    The syntactic parser applies the GLR algorithm to process the Context Free Grammar ( CFG ), whose purpose is to extract features of syntactic structure for use by the semantic parser . The syntactic grammar is designed for the trade off between the coverage and the accuracy .

  30. 分析主要采用了匹兹堡大学QUASAR课题研究成果中的数学任务框架、任务分析指南、保持和降低高认知要求任务的因素等作为工具,并使用了录像带分析技术和语言交流的语义分析。

    Some tools were used to analyze the collected data : The Mathematics Tasks Framework , Guide For Tasks Analysis and Factors Associated With Maintenance And Decline Of High-level Cognitive Demands in QUASAR project , Pittsburgh University , some techniques of video-taped analysis and discourse semantic analysis .