
yǔ yán zhé xué
  • linguistic philosophy
  1. 对话是当代西方本体论语言哲学探讨的一个重要命题。

    Dialogue is one vital proposition of modern ontology linguistic philosophy .

  2. 从语言哲学角度对中国古典美学的思考

    Thoughts on Chinese Classical Aesthetics from the Viewpoint of Linguistic Philosophy

  3. 回指现象在人类言语中是一种非常复杂的现象,指称(reference)研究一直是语言学和语言哲学领域中的一个古老而又充满挑战的课题。

    The phenomenon of anaphora is complicated in human language . Reference research is an old and challenging subject in areas of linguistics and language philosophy .

  4. Bickerton的语言哲学观与外语教学

    Bickerton 's Philosophical View on Language and Its Implications on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

  5. 运用Wittgenstein的语言哲学思想探讨中国传统话语&中医实践作为一种生活方式所包含的真理和理解内涵。

    This paper explores the issues of traditional Chinese discourse in terms of forms of life , truth and understanding which arise from a consideration of traditional Chinese medicine in the light of Wittgenstein 's philosophy .

  6. Lakoff和M.Johnson为代表的认知语言学研究实现了从客观主义哲学观到经验现实主义哲学观的转变,这标志着人类意识形态和语言哲学的进步。

    Represented by George Lakoff and M.Johnson , it realized a change from view of objectivism philosophy to that of experimentalism philosophy , marking a progress in human ideology and language philosophy .

  7. 语言哲学指称论对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis on Referential Theories of Meaning in Philosophy of Language

  8. 人文性与科学性的融合:语言哲学语用学转向

    Fusion of Humanism and Science : Pragmatic Turn of Linguistic Philosophy

  9. 日常语言哲学中的他心问题

    The Problem of Other Minds in the Philosophy of Ordinary Language

  10. 中国学者如何学习西方语言哲学:对话(英文)

    Introducing Philosophy of Language to Chinese Learners : A Dialogue ;

  11. 此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。

    This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy .

  12. 语言哲学与功能语言学:联系与区别

    Relationship and Difference Between Linguistics of Philosophy and Functional Linguistics

  13. 当代语言哲学的隐喻研究及其意义

    Metaphorical Study in Contemporary Philosophy of Language and its Significance

  14. 语言哲学是伽达默尔释义学的核心问题所在。

    Linguistic philosophy is the core of Gadamer 's Hermeneutics .

  15. 惠施历物十事的语言哲学新探

    Philosophy of Language in Hui Shi 's " Ten Paradoxical Propositions "

  16. 语言哲学中人(讲话者)的地位问题概览

    On the status of human ( the speaker ) in linguistic philosophy

  17. 语言哲学视野中的隐喻直陈性及相似性

    Metaphorical Straightforwardness and Similarity from the Perspective of Linguistic Philosophy

  18. 语言哲学在西方现代哲学中占据中心地位;

    Philosophy of language enjoys its central position in modern western philosophy .

  19. 意义问题是语言哲学的核心问题,也是语言哲学争论的焦点。

    The meaning problem is a core in the philosophy of language .

  20. 语言哲学翻译论&兼论工具性语言扩展式

    The Theory of Translation Originated from the Philosophy of Language

  21. 乔姆斯基语言哲学探源

    The Exploration of the Origin of Chomsky 's Linguistic Philosophy

  22. 中西方语言哲学对比分析及其启示

    Contrastive Study of Chinese & Western Philosophies of Language and Its Enlightenment

  23. 试论罗素摹状词理论及其对语言哲学的影响

    The Theory of Russell 's Description and Its Influence on Linguistic Philosophy

  24. 中西语言哲学观对诗歌创作的影响

    The impact of Chinese and western language philosophy on poetry

  25. 文章追踪研究了2007年-2008年国外语言哲学研究中的几个热点问题。

    This essay highlights some problems of philosophy of language in2007-08 abroad .

  26. 论符号学三分法对语言哲学和语言逻辑的影响

    On the Trichotomy in Semiotics and its Influence on Linguistic Logic and Philosophy

  27. 复合空间理论与关联理论相似的语言哲学观

    On the linguistic philosophical similarities between CB and RT

  28. 中西语言哲学语用学转向新解

    A New Understanding of the Pragmatic Turn of Chinese and Western Linguistic Philosophy

  29. 基于后维特根斯坦语言哲学的法律语言学研究

    Forensic Linguistic Studies : From the Perspective of Late Wittgensteinian Philosophy of Language

  30. 脚本的兼容性认知特征及语言哲学解释

    The Cognitive Features of Scripts and the Philosophical Exposition