
yǔ lù tǐ
  • the lecture style of writing
  1. 孔子的行政教育思想的表达形式主要是语录体,还缺乏现代学术的完美形式。

    Confucius ' administration education expression format is Ana , which is short of perfection formation .

  2. 《论语》是口语化较强的语录体著作,对先秦汉语具有重要的语料研究价值。

    The Analects of Confucius , an oral quotation work , is significant for studying the Chinese in Pre-Qin period .

  3. 与以往语录体散文不同,《法言》呈现独特艺术风貌。这两大版本系统在文本上存在较大差异,这些文本上的差异,对两个版本的艺术风貌和思想倾向都有较大影响。

    And the differences of texts have major influence on the artistic styles and the ideological trends of these two versions .

  4. 其文体主要有纯粹的语录体、经概括的问答体和相对完整的问答体三种基本样态。

    It had three kind literature structure which were the pure quotations , the summarized dialogues and the relative integrity dialogues .

  5. 《论语》是一部语录体著作,主要记述孔子及其少数弟子的言论行事。

    The Analects is a work of quotation , which mainly records the speeches and actions of Confucius and some of his disciples .

  6. 《孟子》所采用的对话体、问答体和语录体的体裁和口语化的语言风格,显然是孟子论辩性语言的自然产物。

    The use of dialogue , question answer , quotation as well as colloquial language style , are obviously natural results of Mencius rhetoric and argument .

  7. 禅作为一种文化现象对中国文学理论产生过重要影响,尤其是“诗话”这种类似语录体的诗评形式就是直接习自禅家的一个成果。

    Chan , as a cultural phenomenon , has important influence on literary theory of China , especially Peotry Talks similar to form of quotation comes directly from Chan sect .

  8. 古时《论语》、《坛经》、《朱子读书法》等都是很有名的语录体著作。

    Chinese ancient works , such as " the Analects of Confucius ", " Altar Sutra ", " Zhu Study Method " etc , are all famous classics in this style .

  9. 编撰了我国第一部编年体史书《春秋》。孔子的言行思想主要载于语录体散文集《论语》。

    He was the author of the Spring and Autumn Annals , the first historical annals in China , and his teachings and wisdoms may be found in the Analects of Confucius .

  10. 《论语》是先秦时期的一部语录体文献典籍,十分真实的反映了当时的语言面貌,大致保持了上古汉语词汇的基本情况。

    Quotations from Analects is a part of pre-Qin period of literature classics , face very true reflection of the language at the time generally maintained a situation of ancient Chinese vocabulary .

  11. 第五章探查古代著名语录体著作,细究其功能,与现代语录功能做对比,指出语录体功能变化和加诸于其上的权力关系变化息息相关。

    Chapter V exploration of the ancient works of famous sayings , Through careful study of its functions , and comparing features of modern quotations from that quotation of functional change and impose its authority on the relationship between closely r-elated .

  12. 它以语录体和对话文体为主,记录了孔子及其弟子言行,集中体现了孔子的政治主张,论理思想,道德观念及教育原则等。

    It is described based on the quotation and literary form of dialogues . It records Confucius ' and his disciples ' words and deeds , including political views of Confucius , thought of logic , moral concepts and principles of education .

  13. 在各种问题中,受事主语句的使用情况也各不相同,总的来说,语录体篇目中受事主语句的数量占大多数,在诗话、剧本等体裁中的数量很少。

    In all kinds of problems , the use of the Patient Subject sentence by also each are not identical , overall , in oldness marked by quotations body majority , the number of sentences in poetry , plays the few in number .