
  1. 用Matlab仿真观察合成语音效果是可以接受的。

    The synthetic speech quality is acceptable in Matlab Simulation .

  2. 治疗语音效果和无序的临床医学家。

    A therapist who treats speech defects and disorders .

  3. 目的观察腭裂术后语音效果,分析影响因素。

    Objective To observe the phonetic effect after operation on patients with cleft palate .

  4. 上颌可摘局部义齿戴用前后语音效果对比研究

    Comparative study of acoustic changes before and after restoration with maxilla removable partial denture

  5. 咽侧壁运动对咽后壁瓣术后语音效果的影响

    The effect of lateral pharyngeal wall movement and the speech results in pharyngeal flap surgery

  6. 以声学元音图评定腭裂术后语音效果的初步研究

    Preliminary study on speech results in patients with operated cleft palate via the Chinese vowel-graph

  7. 腭裂术后功能训练对语音效果的护理评价

    Nurse assessment on the Functional Training to the Pronunciation after the Operation of the Clept Palate

  8. 结果100例患者通过综合评定,语音效果优良率为78%。

    Results All the patients were synthetically evaluated , the patients being good recovered accounted for78 % .

  9. 第三、此篇小说的语言使用了大量语音效果增强恐怖气氛。

    Thirdly , the language of this novel massively used the phonetic sound effects to enhance the terrible atmosphere .

  10. 咽后壁瓣的形态及位置对腭裂术后语音效果的影响

    The Effect of Shape and Position of Posterior Pharyngeal Flap on the Speech Outcome of Patient Repaired Cleft palate

  11. 为了获得良好的语音效果,对82例出生3至12个月的先天性腭裂进行了整复术,并观察术中后的相关情况。

    Palatoplasty was performed in 82 infants with cleft palate ( rage 3 to 12 months ) for good speech outcome .

  12. 树脂基托、钛基托全口义齿戴用前后语音效果的对比研究目的评估整体铸造纯钛基托义齿的临床应用情况。

    Subjective Evaluation of Acoustic Changes Before and After Restoration with Complete Denture Objective To study the clinical application of casting pure titanium removable denture .

  13. 目的对采用双颊肌黏膜瓣修复的大龄宽大腭裂患者的语音效果和上颌骨发育情况进行分析,评价手术的远期效果。

    Objective To evaluate a long-term effect on pronunciation and maxillary growth of elder patients with wide isolated cleft palate after bibuccinator myomucosal island flap palatoplasty .

  14. 该方法能更好地利用自然语流的原始信息,提升了系统合成语音效果的自然度。一种自然语流的声源分析方法

    This method can take advantages better of the original information of the natural speech and improve the naturalness of the synthesis speech . Novel Glottal Analyzing Algorithm for Natural Utterance

  15. 目的:对唇腭裂患者术后采用不同基托设计的双重牙列修复前后的咀嚼效能和语音效果进行评价,判断其修复效果。

    PURPOSE : To evaluate the masticatory efficiency and phonetics in patients with cleft lip and palate before and after double dentition denture treatment , and determine the results of the treatment .

  16. 结论婴儿期同时修复唇腭裂虽具有术后语音效果好及其他优点,但呼吸困难及悬雍垂裂开发生率高,良好的麻醉对保证手术成功至关重要。

    Conclusions Repairing cleft lip and palate simultaneously during the infancy has high rates of dyspnea and ruptured incision in uvula , though which contributes to clear pronunciation and has other merits , and perfect anesthesia is important to success in operation .

  17. 基于E模型的战术综合业务数字网语音干扰效果评估

    Jamming Effect Evaluation of Tactical ISDN Based on the E-Model

  18. 其中加权L-S方法语音编码效果最好,其平均分段SNR高出G。

    Its average segment SNR is higher than the G.

  19. 运用AMR-WB算法提高语音合成效果的研究

    Using AMR-WB method to improve the results of speech synthesis

  20. 因此,AMR-WB作为改善LPC参数语音合成效果的改进算法是切实可行的。

    So , it is feasible to use AMR-WB as an improved algorithm to improve the effect of LPC parameter speech synthesis .

  21. 大龄腭裂患者的手术治疗方法与语音治疗效果的对比研究

    Contrast study the effects of surgical approaches on repairing cleft palate

  22. 我国学生英语弱读的语音教学效果实证研究

    Research on Phonetics Teaching Effect of English Weak Forms

  23. 用于语音干扰效果评估的加权对数谱分析法

    Application of Logarithm Chart Analysis in Speech Communication Quality

  24. 同期咽后壁组织瓣转移修复后大龄腭裂患者语音改善效果的评价

    Evaluation of acoustic effects of cleft palate after posterior pharyngeal flap with simultaneous palatoplasty

  25. 实验结果表明,该方法相比之前的方法有更好的语音分离效果。

    Experimental results show that our proposed method yields better segregation results compared with previous approach .

  26. 目的:研究全口义齿初戴前后的语音适应效果。

    PURPOSE : To study the clinic adaptive effect of speech articulation of patient with complete denture .

  27. 试验证明此方法的语音增强效果较好,尤其在较低信噪比时效果更明显。

    Experiments show that the algorithm enhances the speech very well , especially in the conditions of low SNR .

  28. 仿真实验结果表明,在有色噪声背景下该算法具有良好的语音增强效果。

    Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm possesses good performance with the presence of color noises . 4 .

  29. 仿真结果表明,超增益处理比常规处理的阵增益高8.2dB左右,且具有良好的语音增强效果。

    Simulation results show that the array gain of super gain processing is 8.2 dB higher than conventional beamforming .

  30. 实验证明,该系统具有较好的实时处理能力,在强噪声环境下,可以获得比较令人满意的语音增强效果。

    At last , the experimental results indicate that the system has excellent real time processing capacity and satisfactory speech enhancement results .