
yǒu xiào zhuànɡ tài
  • valid state
  1. 一致性(Consistency):应用程序在完成的时候才进行有效状态的转变。

    Consistency : The application performs valid state transitions at completion .

  2. soconnect()函数检查套接字的有效状态,并使用PRUCONNECT作为请求调用prusrreq()。

    The soconnect () function checks for the valid state of the socket and calls pr_usrreq () with PRU_CONNECT as the request .

  3. 该方法通过修正GENERATE算法,以状态概率不增的次序生成了网络的最大概值有效状态,构成网络状态空间的满足给定范围概率的子空间。

    By improving GENERATE Algorithm , we generate the most probable effective states in order of non-increasing probability and form a subspace with some coverage probability .

  4. 对于慢更新的历史数据,更新是使用具有有效状态和时间框架(time-frame)数据的历史子表进行处理的。

    For the slow-update history data , updates are handled using the child history tables with valid status and time-frame data .

  5. 木材干燥窑内判断传感器有效状态方法的研究

    Research on determining effective working-state of sensor during wood drying process

  6. 正如前面提到的,断言用来确保有效状态。

    Assertions are used to ensure valid states , as previously mentioned .

  7. 这会将数据库置于一致的有效状态。

    This places the database into a consistent valid state .

  8. 确保0为值类型的有效状态。

    Ensure that0is a valid state for value types .

  9. 治理是一种新的管理理念和管理过程,善治是治理的有效状态。

    The theory of governance is a new kind of administrative idea and process .

  10. 贯彻对叉车的日常检验和维修,以维持其良好、安全和有效状态。

    Forklifts should be inspected and maintained in good , safe , working condition .

  11. 我需要创建一个新的规则获取有效状态列表。

    I 'll create a new rule to ask for a list of valid states .

  12. 对于一个给定事件,使用各种条件来决定新的有效状态。

    For a given event , you use conditions to determine the new valid state .

  13. 粮食宏观调控的基本目标是使粮食安全处于一种保障有力、成本合理的有效状态。

    The basic goal of Food Macro-adjusting is guaranteeing Food Security and its cost reason .

  14. 那么,有效状态如何定义?

    So , what defines valid state ?

  15. 在电报或数据信号中,从一个有效状态到另一个有效状态的一种变化。

    A change from one significant condition to another in a telegraph or a data signal .

  16. 每个分支上的最小的有效状态就是网络的d-下界点。

    The minimal valid state on every branch is the lower boundary point of the network .

  17. 在大多数情况下,有效状态由代码中的检验控制。

    In most part , a valid state is controlled by the validation in our code .

  18. 状态机根据接收到的外部事件从一个有效状态转移到下一个有效状态。

    The state machine moves from one valid state to the next based on external events it receives .

  19. 无论是营利型生产者,还是非营利型生产者,都追求成本最小化,希望在成本有效状态下进行生产活动。

    Either profitable producer or non-profitable producer pursues production under the lowest cost . And they want a cost-efficient production .

  20. 状态树搜索方法通过在一个状态树中搜索所有的有效状态来计算网络的可靠性;

    State-tree search method searches all the success network states in a state-tree in order to calculate the network reliability .

  21. 从理论分析角度看,存在制度性缺陷的我国股票市场,很难达到有效状态。

    Canse Analysis and Countermeasures Against System Limitation of China 's A Stock Market Classical assets pricing theories are not applicable in Chinese markets .

  22. 另外,现在得到了关于“客户”概念的有效状态和状态之间的有效迁移的重要信息。

    In addition , you now have critical information about the allowed states of the concept " Customer " and the allowed transitions between states .

  23. 如果你验证了用来构造一个对象的参数,那么就知道从那之后,该对象处于有效状态。

    If you validate the parameters used to construct the object , you know that it is in a valid state from that point forward .

  24. 每个子条件包含一个条件属性列表,这些条件属性表示存款(支出和存款)和支出帐户的有效状态。

    Each subcondition contains a list of condition attributes that are the valid statuses for both the deposit ( checking and savings ) and checking accounts .

  25. 例如,在处理一些跨线程数据时,某线程可能被中断,并且可能没有机会将一切重置为有效状态。

    For example , a thread might be interrupted while manipulating some cross-thread data and might not have an opportunity to reset everything to a valid state .

  26. “工作流”定义用于定义有效状态集合、这些状态之间的有效转换,以及哪些用户或组有执行这些转换的权限。

    A workflow definition that defines the set of valid states , valid transitions between those states , and what users or groups have permission to perform these transitions .

  27. 为了充分挖掘滚动轴承运行中蕴含的有效状态变化信息,提出了一种基于威布尔分布模型参数及其数字特征的故障特征提取新方法。

    A novel approach to fault feature extraction based on Weibull distribution parameters is proposed , to mining fully the useful information of state change in the original signal of bearing vibration .

  28. 这实际上是一个状态转换图,其中定义了所有有效状态,为了从一个状态转移到下一个状态,必须执行特定的活动。

    This is actually a state-transition diagram in which each valid state is well-defined , and a specific activity has to be performed in order to move from one state to the next .

  29. 每个分支上的最小有效状态就是网络的d-下界点,直接得到所有的d-下界点,并且这些下界点互不相交,从而省去了不交化过程,可直接求出网络的可靠度。

    Then we find out all the lower boundary points directly and these lower points are disjoint . So we can omit the process of disjointing and calculate the reliability of the network directly .

  30. 并建议在证券市场并不发达且呈弱有效状态时,其会计处理宜采纳折中的内在价值法,待将来条件成熟时采用公允价值法计量,并用所有者权益再分配确认方法进行会计确认。

    The author suggests that the accounting treatment can be modified min-value method since the securities market in the state is of wake efficiency then changed into the fair-value method when the securities became more efficient .