
  • 网络organic matrix;Organic substrate
  1. 研究认为,在甲烷生成菌的作用下,可通过CO2+H2和从有机基质中形成CH4。

    It is considered according to the research that by the action of methanobacteria the CH_4 may be formed by CO_2 + H_2 and from organic matrix .

  2. 珍珠中碳酸钙与有机基质之间相互作用的研究

    Interactions between Calcium Carbonate and Organic Matrix in Pearls

  3. 5黄瓜对N、K的利用率随着追肥量增加而降低,而P和微量元素的利用率变段崇香:日光温室黄瓜有机基质栽培合理基质配方及需肥特性的研究化与之相反。

    2.5 The utilization rate of NK decreased , that of P and microelements increased , with the fertilizer amount increasing .

  4. 建议今后在温室自然通风量和室内有机基质CO2生产量两个方面进行进一步的工作。

    The following points are strongly suggested for nearly further considerations of the Greenhouse Engineers : CO2 caused by air exchanges and inner organic material-rich soil respiration .

  5. 它是由某些无机盐结晶分散在有机基质中形成的,其中晶体的主要成分为草酸钙,且大都是一水草酸钙(COM),而有机基质主要是蛋白质和多糖等。

    Urinary stone is composed of organic matrices containing polysaccharide , protein and inorganic salts , such as calcium oxalate ( CaC2O4 ), especially calcium oxalate monohydrate ( COM ) crystal .

  6. 在中度干旱胁迫条件下,有机基质所育秧苗水稻叶片的脯氨酸含量和SOD活性增加的幅度大于营养土所育秧苗。

    The increment of praline content and SOD activity in the seedlings raised in organic soil base was more than that in the seedlings raised in nutritional soil base under moderate drought stress .

  7. 比较而言,以纯有机基质配方A3(菇渣4+泥炭1)栽培效果最优。

    Comparatively , the organic culture media formula A3 ( 4 portion of used media for mushroom culture and 1 portion of peat ) was the best .

  8. 根域体积同为8L的两种不同养分有机基质配方栽培的黄瓜的生长发育无明显差异,而根域体积为8L与4L的处理差异明显。

    Substrate compositions had minor effect on cucumber which rooting-zone volume is 8L , but 8L rooting-zone volume treatments had evident difference with 4L treatment .

  9. 从容重、空隙度、栽培过程中EC值和pH值的变化、基质养分释放量、番茄养分吸收量、产量、成本等方面对5种有机基质的理化性质及栽培效益进行了分析。

    The physical-chemical properties of five organic substrates and tomato growing profits are evaluated with their density , porosity , changes of pH value , EC value , N , P , K contents at the beginning and end of tomato growing , nutrient absorption , cost and tomato yield .

  10. 秋冬茬黄瓜定植后79d各处理的总产量无显著差异,因此,4L的根域体积即可满足秋冬茬日光温室黄瓜有机基质栽培的需要。

    In fall stubble , yield per plant had no evident difference among four treatments after 79d of setting ; therefore , 4L rooting-zone volume can satisfy the solar greenhouse cucumber cultivation demand .

  11. 有机基质培中番茄基质配方的研究

    Study on the selection of organic substrate recipe for tomato cultivation

  12. 复合有机基质在甘蓝育苗上的应用效果试验

    Application Results of Compound Organic Substrate on Culture of Cabbage Seedlings

  13. 沼液在有机基质栽培辣椒上的应用研究

    Study on Anaerobic Processed Liquid Livestock Manure in Organic Media Culture Peppers

  14. 瓜果类蔬菜有机基质栽培技术研究

    Study on Soilless Culture Technique for Tomato and Watermelon with Organic Substrate

  15. 大棚有机基质栽培厚皮甜瓜品种的筛选

    Variety Screening of Thick-skinned Melon for Organic Substratum Culture in Plastic Greenhouse

  16. 有机基质型无土栽培甜瓜化肥施用效应的研究

    Study on Fertilization Effect on Muskmelon in Organic Substrate Culture

  17. 不同配比有机基质对辣椒苗质量的影响

    Effects of Organic Substrates on Quality of Hot Pepper Seedlings

  18. 反硝化对NO3~-及有机基质呈零级动力学反应。

    Denitrification referred to a zero order dynamic reaction .

  19. 利用有机基质厌氧生物产氢的试验研究

    Experimental study on anaerobic hydrogen production from organic substrates

  20. 黄瓜有机基质育苗效果的研究

    Study on nursery effect of organic substrate for cucumber

  21. 不同配比有机基质养分转化与甜瓜生长发育关系

    Relation Between Fertilization Nutrient Transformation and Muskmelon Growth in the Different Organic Prescriptions

  22. 有机基质栽培黄瓜化肥施用技术的研究

    Techniques of application of chemical fertilizer for cucumber cultivated in organic substrate under solar greenhouse

  23. 芦苇末有机基质在蔬菜栽培上应用效果的研究

    Study on the Effect of Reed Residue Organic Substrate Used in Lettuce and Tomato Culture

  24. 不同结构物质和有机基质对草酸钙晶体生长的促进作用

    Progress in Promotion of Calcium Oxalate Crystals by Materials with Different Structures and Organic Matrices

  25. 中药渣有机基质配比对辣椒生长及产量、品质的影响

    Effects of Herbal Residues Organic Substrates on Growth , Yield , and Quality of Capsicum

  26. 从生产效益角度分析,本试验设计的中肥处理为黄瓜有机基质栽培适宜的化肥追肥量。

    Considering the production benefits , in this experiment Middling treatments were proper chemical fertilizer .

  27. 固体基质栽培又可以分为有机基质培、无机基质培和混合基质培等;

    The solid substrate culture coud be divided into organic , inorganic and mixed substrate culture ;

  28. 沼液对有机基质栽培青椒果实产量及品质的影响

    Effects of Anaerobic Liquid Manures on Yield and Quality of Green Pepper in Organic Media Culture

  29. 有机基质肥料配方试验

    Study on Organic Substratum Fertilizer Recipe

  30. 日光节能温室有机基质栽培对风味4号甜瓜产量和品质的影响

    Effects of Different Substrates on Yield and Quality of " Flavor No.4 " Melon in Greenhouse