
  1. 老年人随着衰老免疫功能下降,体内T淋巴细胞、B淋巴细胞、免疫球蛋白、自然杀伤细胞等均发生变化,适量的有氧耐力运动可以改善老年人机体免疫功能。

    Immunity function of the old declined as growing older including the changes of T-lymphocyte , B lymphocyte and natural killer cells , etc. The moderate aerobic endurance exercises can improve the declined immunity function of the old .

  2. 有氧耐力的测试指标和训练方法研究新进展

    Aerobic Endurance Test Indicators and New Research Progress of Training Methods

  3. 其中NE和IE组分别进行14周中等强度的有氧耐力运动。

    NE and IE Group are fed 14 weeks with moderate intensity aerobic exercise .

  4. 说明有氧耐力训练和静力性练习均可提高机体安静状态下血浆中NO含量和NOS活性。

    It can be concluded that endurance and static exercise training can obviously increase NO contents and NOS activity in plasma .

  5. 结论:一些在优秀运动员群体中频繁出现的Dloop多态变异型很可能与人体有氧耐力及对耐力训练的反应性有关

    Conclusion : The sequence variation of D loop region of mtDNA in the elite endurance athletes may contribute to the individual difference in aerobic performance and trainability . Group Dates

  6. 主要阐述ACE基因与有氧耐力、运动性心脏肥大以及ACE基因多态性与运动能力的关系。

    It briefly expounds the relation among ACE gene , oxygen endurance , sports heart obesity , the multiplet of ACE gene and exercise performance .

  7. 且至训练8周末有氧耐力组台阶指数、VO2max3、000m成绩显著优于现行训练组(P值分别为0.013、0.029、0.001);

    At the end of the 8th week , the step index , VO_2max and the achievement of 3 000 m running in aerobic training group were higher than those in the common group ( p was 0.013, 0.029 and 0.001 , respectively ) .

  8. 近年来,各国体育科研人员已注意到,以经典的VO(2max)和VO(2/kg)来衡量处于生长发育期的少年有氧耐力难以准确进行评价。

    In recent years , researchers have come to recognized that it is difficult to make an accurate assessment of the stamina of juveniles in growth and puberty by using the classical measurement of VO ( 2max ) and VO ( 2 / kg ) .

  9. 青少年运动员提高有氧耐力特别重要。

    Young athletes to improve aerobic endurance is particularly important .

  10. 有氧耐力与分子遗传学的研究进展

    Studies ' progress of aerobic endurance and molecule - genetics

  11. 有氧耐力要素及发展方法和应用

    The Key Elements of Aerobic Endurance and Their Developing Method and Application

  12. 学生有氧耐力练习教学方法实验

    The Teaching Method Experiment of Students ' Oxygen Endurance Exercises

  13. 学员有氧耐力训练心率研究

    The Training Heart Rate of Aerobic Endurance Training of Student

  14. 大学生女子足球运动员有氧耐力及其营养摄取的调查

    Aerobic endurance and nutrition intake of university female soccer players

  15. 运动员降体重的科学方法&控制饮食+有氧耐力运动

    Athlete 's Scientific Ways of Losing Weight Diet Controlling Plus Aerobic Endurance

  16. 定向越野对提高青少年有氧耐力的作用

    Effects of Directional Cross - country Running on Enhancing Teenagers ' Aerobic Endurance

  17. 有氧耐力运动对老年人免疫功能的影响

    Effect on the Immunity Function of the Old by the Oxygenic Endurance Exercises

  18. 有氧耐力训练对壬基酚染毒大鼠血中心钠素水平的影响

    Effects of Aerobic Endurance Training on Atrial Natriuretic Peptide of Nonylphenol Exposed Rats

  19. 健身者对器材的选择与健身器材的实际配备比例不很合理,有氧耐力与康复两大类器械实际配备比例严重偏低。

    The proportion of actual equipments of aerobic endurance and recovery was relative lower .

  20. 发展有氧耐力的生理学分析

    A physiological analysis of developing the aerobic endurance

  21. 城区与乡村普通初中生有氧耐力的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Aerobic Stamina of Junior Middle-School Students between Urban and Rural Areas

  22. 对有氧耐力评定指标的研究

    Three Important Evaluation Index of Aerobic Endurance

  23. 有氧耐力训练和控制饮食对肥胖青少年下丘脑-胰岛-脂肪轴的影响

    Influence of Aerobic Exercises and Diet Controlling on Hypothalamus-Langerhans Islands-Fat Axis in the Obese Adolescents

  24. 运动中全程使用经皮穴位电刺激对有氧耐力的影响

    Effect of transcutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation within the whole range of exercise on aerobic endurance

  25. 音乐对有氧耐力素质影响的研究

    The Influence of Music on Aerobic Stamina

  26. 呼吸肌群专门训练对优秀女子赛艇运动员有氧耐力和激素水平的影响

    Effects of Specific Respiratory Muscle Training on the Aerobic Capacity and Hormones of Female Elite Rowers

  27. 有氧耐力训练对高脂饮食大鼠肥胖及糖代谢的影响

    Effects of Oxygen Endurance Exercise Training on Obesity and Carbohydrate Metabolism in High Fat Diet Rats

  28. 最大吸氧量是有氧耐力最好指标的概念面临着挑战

    A Challenge to the Concept of Maximal Oxygen Uptake As the Best Index of Aerobic Endurance

  29. 结果表明运动员的有氧耐力、乳酸分解和力量等方面明显提高。

    The results show that athletes'aerobic endurance , lactic acid decomposition and strength are improved significantly .

  30. 武警某部女学员有氧耐力训练训练心率的研究

    Study of the training heart rate of the female students aerobic endurance training in armed police forces