
  • 网络cytoplast;cytoplast,cytosome;plastids;cytosome
  1. 而9MGV-6W胞质体组和12MGV-6W胞质体组成熟卵母细胞染色单体提早分离的比率则明显增加。

    However , the rates of the matured oocytes with premature chromatid separation increased for group 9M GV-6W cytoplast and group 12M GV-6W cytoplast .

  2. 本试验证明了TMV-RNA在有细胞核的烟草原生质体中能大量增殖,但在无核的胞质体中却难以增殖。

    The experiment has proved that TMV-RNA multiplied vigorously in tobacco protoplasts with cellular nucleuses , while hardly multiplied in cytoplasts separated from nucleuses .

  3. 三是将脱核胞质体与小鼠胚胎直接融合而产生的转线粒体小鼠。

    The third is direct by fusing cytoplasts with one - cell mouse embryo .

  4. 本实验采用核酸杂交技术,以小鼠和人β-珠蛋白基因为探针,分析了同种和异种细胞的胞质体杂交细胞中β-珠蛋白基因的表达状态。

    The present study was designed to analyse β - globin gene expression in homocellular and heterocellular cybrids by nucleic acid hybridization technique , with cloned mouse and human β - globin gene as probes .

  5. 胚性悬浮胞禾谷质体培养想材。

    Embryogenic suspension cell is ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants .

  6. 松胞素B和离心术并用制备体外培养哺乳类细胞的核体与胞质体

    Preparation of karyoplasts and cytoplasts from mammalian cells by means of cytochalasin B and centrifugation