
  1. 菲德尔和劳尔·卡斯特罗的胞妹称自己曾帮助CIA窃取兄长的情报长达八年的时间。

    Fidel and Raul Castro 's younger sister says that she helped the CIA against her brothers for eight years .

  2. Tatiana看到了没我就知道你把我当成我的胞妹Janet了

    Tatiana . See . I knew , you thought I was my evil twin sister Janet

  3. 在被问及在他的胞妹罗君儿(QueenieLaw)去年被绑架后,他是否担心自己的安全时,他表示:“那只是个案”。

    Asked if he worries about his safety after his cousin Queenie Law was kidnapped for ransom last year , he says " it 's just a single case . "

  4. 但在与何鸿燊一贯不和的胞妹何婉琪(WinnieHo)申请法庭下令暂停上市后,该公司决定推迟上市至7月16日。

    But the company decided to push back the float to July 16 after Mr Ho 's estranged sister , Winnie , sought a court order to halt the listing .

  5. 借助生态女性主义的观点分析了华兹华斯和他的胞妹多萝西文学创作中的自然和女性观点。

    This paper analyses the attitudes towards nature and female in the literary creations of both William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy Wordsworth by introducing the approach of echo-feminism .

  6. 施赖弗是肯尼迪政治家族的成员、已故的尤尼斯肯尼迪施赖弗(译者注:美国前总统约翰肯尼迪的胞妹)的女儿。施瓦辛格就任州长后,她辞去了美国国家广播公司新闻记者的工作。

    Shriver , a member of the Kennedy political dynasty and the daughter of the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver , left her job as an NBC News correspondent after Schwarzenegger took office .