
zhènɡ jué
  • become a Buddha;real awakening to truth
正觉 [zhèng jué]
  • [samadhi] [耆那教]∶精神的自我完满

  1. 我的伤口这会儿正觉疼痛。

    My wound is paining just for the moment .

  2. 愿祈这两本中英版的《大圆融》一书得以协助许多的行者在此生中证得正等正觉。

    May these two books on Great Harmony help many practitioners to attain enlightenment in this life !

  3. 认为这是您的销售页,即使你不会是卖什么的正觉。

    Consider this your sales page even though you won 't be selling anything in the true sense of the word .

  4. 我们从正常、基本、证实、分辨、校对、范式这六个方面对十正觉所涉及的问题展开辨析。

    From normal , basic , confirm , discrimination , proofreading , paradigm of the six areas , we for problems involved veridical perception expand discrimination .

  5. 正觉陷入僵局之际,你会发现新的机会。别只是咒骂烂泥;继续挖掘,找出宝藏。

    Just when you feel bogged down , you discover a new opportunity . don 't curse the mud ; keep digging and find the treasure .

  6. 大王!如果有一位说话公正的人断言某人已经获得了完全圆满正确的觉悟(无上正等正觉),那麽他也会公正地断言我已经获得了完全圆满正确的觉悟。

    If , great king , one speaking rightly could say of anyone , 'He has awakened to the unexcelled right self-awakening , 'one could rightly say that of me .

  7. 并非人们所做的每件事情都是修法,除非一个人采取大圆满见并因而见到所有有情终将趋向正觉,则所有行为都成修法。

    Not everything that people do is a practice , unless one assumes the Great Perfection view and see that all will eventually move toward enlightenment , then all activities are practices .