
zhèng zōng
  • Authentic;orthodox school
正宗 [zhèng zōng]
  • [orthodox school] 原为佛教始祖教义的嫡系相承者;泛指嫡传承继

正宗[zhèng zōng]
  1. 资深厨师为您奉上以正宗粤菜为主、综合本地特色的菜肴和久负盛名的上海美食。

    Our talented chefs will provide you with orthodox school Guangdong food , together with local specialties and renown Shanghai delicacies .

  2. 胡适发起文学革命,以白话文学为正宗,奠定了现代文学的现代语言工具。

    The literary revolution , sponsored by Hu Shi , regards vernacular literature as the orthodox school , which lays a modern language tool for modem literature .

  3. 正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。

    Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy ─ witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy .

  4. 普罗旺斯杂烩用其他任何油炒出来的味道都不正宗。

    Ratatouille doesn 't taste right with any other oil

  5. foundout:找出他找到了最正宗的餐馆。

    He found out the most authentic restaurants .

  6. 上周,我匆匆走进曼哈顿的美国女孩商店(AmericanGirl),这个庞大的消费殿堂出售安全健康的正宗美国玩偶和服饰。

    Last week I popped into the American Girl store in Manhattan , the giant consumer temple that sells wholesome all-American dolls and clothes .

  7. 每部车辆,在游戏中可以控制两名球员和AI一样,并提供功能正宗每辆。

    Every vehicle in the game can be controlled by both players and AI alike and provides features authentic to each vehicle .

  8. 今年夏天,韩国最大的冷冻酸奶连锁店之一红芒果(RedMango)在洛杉矶开了第一家店,大胆宣称自己是正宗健康的冷冻酸奶。

    Red Mango , one of Korea 's largest frozen yoghurt chains , this summer opened its first store in Los Angeles , pointedly calling itself the original healthy frozen yoghurt .

  9. 我开车去CollegePoint大道(到目前为止,去小辣椒川菜馆走这条路最方便,它离最近的地铁站要坐大概20分钟公交车)是为了吃上正宗川菜,比如柔滑的葱烧豆腐。

    The reason to drive to College Point Boulevard ( by far the easiest way to get to Little Pepper , about a 20-minute bus ride from the nearest subway stop ) is to eat undiluted Sichuan cooking , like silken tofu with scallions .

  10. 其属正宗德式风味,是真正的高档啤酒,堪称啤酒中的XO。

    These beers belong to original German style . It is real high-grade beer , deserving the name of XO in beers .

  11. 具有讽刺意味的结果是,这破坏了正宗本土品牌的成长:吉利(Geely)、奇瑞(Chery)、长城(GreatWall)和比亚迪(BYD)这些中国本土品牌的汽车此前曾主导低端市场。

    The ironic result has been to undermine the proper homegrown brands - Geely , Chery , Great Wall and BYD - whose cars had previously dominated the lower end of the market .

  12. 就仿佛在曼哈顿,既有供应正宗那不勒斯披萨的Motorino披萨店,也有定位美式意大利菜的Carbone饭店。

    As in Manhattan , there 's a Motorino for Neapolitan pizza lovers and a Carbone for fans of Italian-American cooking .

  13. 但是,在还有一段时间才能看到正宗4K内容的时候,为什么要花两三倍的钱去获得一种稍微好一点的画质呢?

    But why pay two to three times as much to get a slightly better picture quality when actual 4K content won 't be available for some time ?

  14. 能够播放正宗原生4K内容的新一代蓝光播放机和光碟即将到来,可能还有一年半的时间。

    And a new generation of Blu-ray players and discs that will be able to play back native 4K content in all its glory is in the pipeline , perhaps 18 months away .

  15. “即使在医院,我们也曾看到供货中在成批正宗药品中添加了假冒药品,”Kopp说。

    " Even in hospitals , we have seen deliveries where counterfeit medicines have been added to genuine batches of medicines ," says Kopp .

  16. HDTUNE我问正宗地道的智能与我有一个系统测试真实的滋扰!

    HDTUNE I asked authentic authentic smart with what I have A system test authentic Nuisance !

  17. 错过ElPunto的话会很可惜,因为这里提供正宗的波多黎各美食,包括mofongo,这是一种把香蕉打碎后做成的菜品,我们在点这道菜的时候又在上面加了炖鸡。

    It would have been a shame to miss El Punto , since it serves authentic Puerto Rican food , includingmofongo , a mashed plantain dish that we ordered with chicken stew piled on top .

  18. 以前,Alyssa在泰国经营过一家正宗泰国餐厅,并多年在“HachetteFilipacchiMedias”的出版中学习泰国和国际美食。

    Previously , Alyssa managed an authentic Thai restaurant in Thailand and spent several years with the publishing house " Hachette Filipacchi Medias " studying Thai and International cuisine .

  19. 肯尼思·奈(KennethNye)2001年在纽约东村开了第九街意式咖啡馆(NinthStreetEspresso),他不堪忍受那些深信自己知道什么是“正宗”卡布奇诺的顾客,去掉了菜单上所有饮品的名称。

    Kenneth Nye , who founded the East Village cafe Ninth Street Espresso in 2001 , grew so sick of customers " insistence on what they believed to be a " real " cappuccino that he removed all the drink names from his menus .

  20. Shinzuku日式餐厅提供午餐和晚餐,客人可以品尝到正宗的寿司和风味铁板烧。

    Guests can also experience the sushi and teppanyaki counter at Shinzuku Japanese restaurant , open daily for lunch and dinner .

  21. 现年28岁的某初创公司经理MichaelShih称,他在美国的时候特别想念台湾夜市的小吃,但现在的夜市充斥着西方食品,既不好吃,也不正宗。

    ' When I was in America , I missed Taiwan 's night market food so much . But now there is all this Western food here , and it isn 't even good or authentic , ' said Michael Shih , a 28-year-old manager at a startup .

  22. 而位于40楼的Prego居高临下,坐拥辽阔市内景致。Prego为高档天台餐厅,呈献正宗意式佳肴,其酒藏堪称全市最齐之列。

    On the40th floor and featuring stunning city views , Prego is an upscale rooftop restaurant serving authentic Italian cuisine with the most extensive wine list in the city .

  23. 白木繁里(ShigeriShiraki,音)是岐阜市山区一座家族清酒厂的老板。这家酒厂创立于1835年。她正在探索如何让自己酿造了20年的清酒——达摩正宗(DarumaMasamune)——适合西方人的口味。

    Shigeri Shiraki , whose family brewery in the mountainous region of Gifu was founded in 1835 , is exploring how to make her 20-year-old aged sake , Daruma Masamune , palatable to Westerners .

  24. Lili是半岛酒店内的正宗粤菜馆,无论是在时间还是空间都实现了大胆跳跃——时间恍如感觉回到了上世纪20年代,空间则仿佛置身于京剧中的某个场景,显得既夸张又不同寻常。

    Lili , the Peninsula 's signature Cantonese restaurant , is a daring leap in time and space - back to an era that feels somewhere close to the 1920s and to a place that looks something like a Chinese opera . It is theatrical and different .

  25. 牛的口蹄疫能被无细菌的滤液传播。正宗营养液,消费者口服心也服!

    Food-and-mouth disease of cattle could be transmitted by bacteria-free filtrates .

  26. 兴宁老板,兴宁厨师,正宗的客家口味。

    Xingning boss , Ning cooks , authentic taste of Hakka .

  27. 每台2000元左右,要正宗粤菜。

    At about 2000 yuan and make the dishes typically Cantonese .

  28. 这虽不是很正宗,但是我很欣赏你的功夫。

    It is not the art but the combat you enjoy .

  29. 过弯的时候,它依旧是个正宗的疯子。

    In the twisty stuff it 's still a card-carrying lunatic .

  30. 浅析《外科正宗》运用消法治疗肛肠疾病的特点

    Analysis of Using Dissipation to Treat Anorectal Diseases in Surgical Authentic