
zhèng qì
  • upright;vital-qi;healthy atmosphere;just and honorable;color;open and aboveboard;complexion
正气 [zhèng qì]
  • (1) [vital-qi]

  • (2) 同真气。生命机能的总称,但通常与病邪相对来说,指人体的抗病能力

  • (3) 四季正常气候,即春温、夏热、秋凉、冬寒等

  • 正气者,正风也。--《灵枢.刺节真邪》

  • (4) [complexion;color]∶正常气色

  • (5) [open and aboveboard;just and honorable]∶光明正大的风气

  • 正气上升、邪气下降

  • (6) [upright]∶刚正的气节

  • 正气凛然

正气[zhèng qì]
  1. 正气上升。

    A healthy atmosphere prevails .

  2. 创建学习型的领导班子是创建学习型企业的内在要求和关键,是增强企业核心竞争力的有效途径,也是领导干部拒腐防变、弘扬正气的需要。

    Founding the leading group of learning type is the key and the inner requirement that found learning type enterprise , is the effective channel that strengthens enterprise key competition ability , and is also the requirement that leading cadres resist corruption and promote healthy atmosphere .

  3. 发扬正气,打击歪风。

    Encourage healthy trends and combat unhealthy ones .

  4. GC法测定藿香正气水与藿香正气口服液中乙醇的含量

    Determination of the ethanol in Huoxiang Zhengqi water and Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid by GC

  5. 目的:研究用Ⅰ型变态反应的有效拮抗药物:色甘酸钠作对照,研究藿香正气口服液在抗原(αIgEHRP)再次刺激前、后,对肥大细胞(MC)脱颗粒的作用。

    Objective : To explore the effect of mast cell before or after stimulation of antigen (α IgE HRP ) .

  6. 绞股蓝总皂甙能使脾虚小鼠低下的IL-2提高的实验结果进一步提示IL-2可能与机体的正气和脾的本质存在某种内在联系,也可能是中医脾气的免疫学物质基础之一。

    It suggested that IL-2 may be related to " healthy Qi " and Pi , and also one of the immunological substantial basis of Pi-Qi in traditional Chinese medicine .

  7. 目的观察藿香正气散加减治疗复发性阿弗他溃疡(RAU)的疗效。

    To evaluate the effects of Jiawei HuoXiang ZhengQi Powder on the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer ( RAU ) .

  8. 藿香正气提取物对IBS-D大鼠引起的肠动力紊乱及血清NO含量变化的影响

    Effect of Huoxiang Zhenqi extract on intestine dynamic disorder and NO content in IBS-D rats

  9. 方法:80只Wistar大鼠随机分为藿香正气液组和对照组,分别给大鼠灌服藿香正气液或生理盐水1,6h后:①观察大鼠胃肠动力的变化;

    METHODS 80 Wistar rats were randomly divided into Ageratum-liquid group and control group , at 1 , 6 hours after Ageratum-liquid was taken : ① The changes of gastrointestinal motility of rats were assayed ;

  10. 结果:两证型都有免疫相关基因的下降,也有癌基因的上调,但热毒内蕴亚型基因表达提示了正气未虚,尚有防御能力,如nm23基因增高,P~(18)基因表达增高;

    RESULTS : The gene expression in the two TCM syndrome types of gastric carcinoma was decreased in their immune associated genes , but increased in cancer-associated genes .

  11. 藿香正气液明显增加血浆、胃窦及空肠组织匀浆中MTL的水平,及胃窦和空肠组织中MTL的阳性产物的含量。

    Ageratum-liquid could markedly increase the levels of MTL in the serum as well as the antrum and jejunal tissues , and enhance the expression of MTL-IR-positive product in the antrum and jejunum .

  12. 湿证治用藿香正气散临床探讨

    A Clinical Study on Treating Damp Syndrome with Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder

  13. 气相色谱对藿香正气水的质量评价与研究

    Quality Evaluation and Research of Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid by Gas Chromatography

  14. 适应现代需要的对白方便观众理解,但气吞山河的雄辩和浩然正气的严肃元素却荡然无存。

    The modernized dialogue is accessible but lacks eloquence and gravity .

  15. 正气不足,气阴两虚;

    Deficiency of healthy Qi , deficiency of both Qi and Yin ;

  16. 中医学正气应包括微生态与免疫平衡

    Vital-Qi of TCM Should Include Microecology and Balance of Immunity

  17. 顶空气相色谱法测定藿香正气水中的甲醇量

    Determination of Methanol in Huoxiang Zhengqi Tincture by Headspace-Gas Chromatography

  18. 正气电视台也会有兴趣。

    Something that even PBS would take an interest in .

  19. 慢性难愈性皮肤溃疡的形成内因在于人体正气不足。

    Clinical application of MEBO in the treatment of chronic skin ulcers ;

  20. 因为中国男人正气势汹汹而来,要得到你的女儿。

    The Chinese males are coming to get your daughters .

  21. 目的改进藿香正气水的含量测定方法。

    Objective Improvement of determination on the Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid .

  22. 我们晚到了一小时,她正气得七窍生烟。

    By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming .

  23. 民族正气贯长虹&中国抗战文学概感

    The National Spirit in China 's Literature of Resistance

  24. 多读点书可以养气,做人需要有正气。

    Reading can foster moral character , it can give people healthy tendencies .

  25. 她正气呼呼地在和乔争辩。

    She was having a wild argument with joe .

  26. 目的:观察藿香正气液及其组方药物对大鼠胃排空及肠推进的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of Ageratum-liquid on motility of rats .

  27. 户型正气,室内采光好!

    Unit righteousness , indoor lighting is good !

  28. 重正气,而补脾肾;

    Supplementing vital Qi is with emphasis on tonifying the spleen and the kidney ;

  29. 领导干部应加强学习,增强使命感和责任感,树立正气,加强团结,勇于实践。

    Cadres should study hard to shoulder their historic missions and responsibility in practice .

  30. 这时他正气得发狂。

    Now he was in a berserk rage .