
  1. 临床运用应必须针对病人体质状况、病情轻重、证候情况确立标本缓急,选择恰当作用程度的活血化瘀药。

    Clinically administration must point to patients'constitution , disease severity , and signs for detailed treatment plan , and select proper drugs of activating blood circulation to remove stasis .

  2. 对老年多系统病证的处方用药并非针对单病单证,也并非面面俱到、多靶点治疗,而是在辨证论治的基础上,权衡标本缓急,综合调治。

    Multi-system disease and syndrome in elderly prescription drug is not a single disease documents , not all-inclusive , multi-target therapy , but rather on the basis of TDS , to weigh specimens priorities , modulating .