
  • 网络Standard bricks;standard paver
  1. AFRP加固标准砖砌体试件双剪试验

    Double shear experimental research on standard brick masonry samples strengthened with AFRP

  2. 本文对27个芳纶纤维布(AFRP)加固标准砖砌体试件进行了双剪试验研究。

    In this paper , double shear experiment on twenty-nine standard brick samples strengthened with AFRP was performed .

  3. 利用铜尾矿制蒸养标准砖

    Preparation of Load-bearing Brick with Copper Tailings by Steam Curing Method

  4. 专业生产混凝土多孔砖,标准砖以及各种路面砌块砖等。

    It specializes in producing concrete multi-hole bricks , standard bricks and various ground block bricks etc.

  5. 以低硅尾矿为主要原料,经过加压成型、蒸压养护制成承重标准砖。

    Low-silicon tailing is used as the main raw material to make the standard load-bearing brick by pressing forming and autoclaving process .

  6. 利用铜尾矿、磨细矿渣、粉煤灰,在碱性复合激发剂存在的情况下,通过湿热养护工艺制成承重标准砖。

    The load-bearing brick was made from copper tailings , fine ground slag , fly ash and alkaline compound activator by wet thermo-curing method .

  7. 以低硅尾矿为主要原料,掺入适量矿渣和粉煤灰等固体废弃物,辅之激发剂,经过加压成型后,在170~220℃下,采用蒸压养护方式制成标准砖。

    Standard brick is made taking low-silicon content tailings as main raw material , adding proper amount of solid waste such as slag and fly ash , and auxiliary component activator , autoclaved curing is adopted under the temperature of 170 ~ 220 ℃ after pressure molding .

  8. 利用电石渣和粉煤灰生产标准实心砖

    Standard solid brick with carbide slag and powered coal

  9. 利用磨细矿渣、粉煤灰和低碱度碱性激发剂制备的生态型胶凝材料,采用湿热养护工艺试制成功尾矿掺量占60%以上的尾矿标准承重砖。

    Using fine grinding slag , fly ash and low alkali excitant to prepare ecotype cementing material and adopting wet thermo-curing process to successfully trial produce standard load bearing brick with tailing content over 60 % .

  10. 使用非标准烧结普通砖的危害及防止措施

    The fault of using nonstandard fired common brick and its prevention measures

  11. 通过剖析国外有关标准,研究砖尺寸参数及环形砌砖计算,提出了我国高炉及热风炉用砖尺寸标准的修订意见。

    The revision of the brick dimension for our blast furnace and hot stove has been proposed by analyzing the relevant foreign standards and studying the parameters of brick dimension and the calculation of circular brick .

  12. 制备高性能高标准火山岩砖的关键技术之一是控制样品的烧成温度,火山岩砖的最佳烧成温度是1060℃。

    One of the key technology of the preparation of high performance and high standards volcanic brick is control the firing temperature of the samples . The best firing temperature the bricks with volcanic rock is1060 ℃ .

  13. 将再选全尾矿与水泥及当地建筑砂配合,可制备出强度达到MU10标准的尾矿免烧砖。

    The total tailings of re-concentration , when mixed with cement and local construction-use sand , can be made into MU10 unfired bricks .

  14. 制得的烧结砖能满足国家标准《烧结普通砖》(GB5101-2003)的相关要求,并且能从一定程度上提高砖体的隔热保温性能。

    The brick can be obtained to meet the national standard , " Bricks " ( GB5101-2003 ) of the relevant requirements , and to some extent it also improved the capability of heatproof .

  15. 在节能65%的设计标准下烧结多孔砖、空心砖墙体的组成结构及应用的对策

    The ways to reach the design standard of saving 65 % energy for perforated wall and hollow wall

  16. 作为一种新型墙材,2004年7月国家发改委正式发布了建材行业新标准《混凝土多孔砖》。

    As one kind of new wall materials , in July 2004 , the Committee of Development and Reform formally issued Concrete Perforated Brick , a new standard of construction material industry .