
qì qiáng
  • walling;build a wall
砌墙[qì qiáng]
  1. 因为担心物品可能带上病菌,他们砌墙堵死了她的屋子。

    They had walled up her room because of the fear that things might be infected .

  2. 他们用淡灰色和深灰色的矿石砌墙。

    They banded the walls in light and dark grey mineral .

  3. 人们孤单是因为他们只砌墙而不架桥。

    Pepole are lonely because they build walls instead of bridge .

  4. 大概正在那用大块石膏灰泥板砌墙。

    Is probably sitting by , cradling a hunk of plaster .

  5. 约翰:搭建桥梁比砌墙要好。

    EJ : Better to build a bridge than a wall .

  6. 寒冷地区新型砌墙砖试验研究

    An experimental study on a new WALL-LAYING brick used in cold regions

  7. 医学界所有的研究,就象砌墙一样。

    All research in medicine is very much like building a wall .

  8. 砌墙的人看看他能不能帮忙

    with the dry wall . And see if he can help ...

  9. 砌墙中砖块或其他石造物的一种重叠砌合方式。

    An overlapping arrangement of bricks or other masonry components in a wall .

  10. 三峡船闸薄衬砌墙混凝土施工技术薄壁衬砌墙单侧分离式液压滑模技术

    Concrete construction technique for thin-lining wall of ship lock for Three Gorges Project

  11. 砌墙陶瓷的新型施釉工艺

    A New Glazing Technology of the Wall Ceramics

  12. 我把尸骨扔开,不久就掏出好些砌墙用的的石块和灰泥。

    Throwing them aside , I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar .

  13. 移动大模板在船坞大面积衬砌墙施工中的应用

    Application of the Removable Large-size Formwork to the Large Area Lining Work of the Dock

  14. 性能优异的施釉砌墙陶瓷

    Glazed Wall Ceramics with Excellent Properties

  15. GB/T2542-1992砌墙砖试验方法

    Test methods for wall bricks

  16. 文学翻译的任务是超越差异,是“搭桥”而非“砌墙”。

    The task of literary translation is to bridge the gaps between different cultures but not to build walls .

  17. 空心砖用粘土或混疑土烧制用于砌墙的空心材料

    A hollow fired clay or concrete block used for building walls . Fired shale brick external wall insulation system

  18. 三峡永久船闸衬砌墙结构及结构锚杆受力仿真分析

    Simulating Analysis for Forcing of Lined Wall and Anchorage Bars of Permanent Shipping Lock at the Three Gorges Project

  19. 这种基础就是一块上面可以砌墙的钢筋混凝土厚板。

    This type of foundation simply consists of a reinforced concrete slab , on which the walls etc. are built .

  20. 我已提及了筑篱、挖沟、砌墙或建防护栏的劳动。

    I have already mentioned the labour of the hedger and ditcher , of the builder of walls or dykes .

  21. 就当你为自己建房,每天要钉钉、铺板、砌墙。

    Think about your house . Each day you hammer a nail , place a board , or erect a wall .

  22. 通过等离子流预熔融干燥坯体及而后煅烧的方法制得了性能优异的施釉砌墙陶瓷

    Glazed wall ceramics with excellent properties were prepared by fritting the drying bodies with the aid of plasma torch and firing it

  23. 这种砂浆主要由加工过的石膏制成,用法和我们现在砌墙的水泥不同。

    The mortar is mostly made of processed gypsum , and it wasn 't used like the cement we use for our modern-day bricks .

  24. 三峡永久船闸衬砌墙分水平缝对结构及结构锚杆受力影响研究

    Study on the effect of horizontal joints of permanent ship lock lined wall on forcing of structure and anchored bars at the Three Gorges Project

  25. 我们必须记住,打地基比砌墙更需要坚实,长期目标脱离了扎实的短期目标的实现是不能实现的。

    It should be remembered that just as building is no stronger than its foundation , long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals .

  26. 瓷砖采用薄贴法,用石膏板轻质隔墙部分代替砖砌墙以及采用合理防水涂布,都可以做到直接减排。

    Tile using a thin paste method , with partial replacement of gypsum wall board light brick walls and the use of reasonable waterproof coating , can be a direct reduction .

  27. (六)违反消防安全规定,占用防火间距,或者搭棚、盖房、挖沟、砌墙堵塞消防车通道的;

    Occupying fire prevention belts , putting up shelters , building houses , digging trenches or building walls blocking the passage of fire engines in violation of the safety measures against fire ;

  28. 针对背包型集装箱装载问题提出了一种启发式算法,该算法采用了新的砌墙机制和货物组对策略,通过递归寻优得到解。

    This paper proposes a heuristic algorithm based on the backpack container loading problems , using the new " wall-building " mechanism and cargo-pairing strategy to obtain the optimal solution through the recursive method .

  29. 以“城市,让生活更美好!”为主题的世博会,将汇集国家、企业和其它类型的展馆,包括某些以大豆纤维砌墙、用河水驱动空调系统、以及通过太阳能板供电照明的展馆。

    The Expo , whose theme is " Better City , better life " , will boast national , corporate and other pavilions , some with walls made of soyabean fibre , air conditioning systems run with river water and lights powered by solar panels .