
qīnɡ shuǐ qiánɡ
  • dry wall
  1. 他们还给熊猫砌中国式的清水墙在笼子里。

    They also made sure to build the panda 's cage out of Chinese dry wall .

  2. 胶粉EPS颗粒保温浆料外墙外保温系统仿清水墙陶土面砖空鼓问题较普遍,其主要原因有材料、工艺两方面。

    Cavity is a common problem between facing brick and EPS thermal insulation system on external wall .

  3. 所有的清水墙和油漆都一去不返了。

    Now that all the drywall and paint have been but away for good .

  4. 在高层建筑中清水混凝土墙的施工技术要求

    Construction technology requirements of the fair-faced concrete wall in high-rise building

  5. 空间双曲线清水混凝土墙模板设计与施工

    Design and construction of space hyperbola rinse concrete wall

  6. 高层建筑清水混凝土剪力墙质量成本控制

    Quality and cost control in plain concrete shear wall construction of high-rise building