
  1. 对湖泊引清调水改善水环境的机理作了进一步探讨,分析了湖网引清调水改善水环境机理的特点。

    Discusses the mechanism of improving water quality of water diversion .

  2. 感潮地区引清调水方案研究

    Research on Scheme of Clean Water Diversion in Tidal Area

  3. 上海市引清调水改善水环境探讨

    Water Environment Improvement by Clean Water Diversion in Shanghai City

  4. 河网水质的引清调水修复及优化调度方案研究

    Restoration and Optimization about Citation Clearance to Divert River Water Quality Program Research

  5. 上海市引清调水工作研究

    Study on clean water diversion in Shanghai City

  6. 城市湖泊引清调水数值模拟与调度模式研究单悬锚系泊链状锚系泊系统锚链系泊

    Research on Clean Water Diversion Numeric Simulation and Water Diversion Scheme in Urban Lake ; catenary anchor leg mooring

  7. 第三章为全文的核心章节,考察了平调、清调、瑟调的内涵实质。

    As a core section , the third chapter investigates the essence and connotation of Ping , Qing and Se tunes .

  8. 在对汉阳湖群水质进行现状评价的基础上,分析了汉阳湖网引清调水的必要性和调水的有利条件;

    On the bases of the water quality evolution of Hanyang lakes , analyzing the necessity and advantage of Hanyang lakes for water diversion .

  9. 对国内外引清调水的历史和现状进行了简要回顾和评述。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . Has a brief review and analysis of the history and current status of foreign and domestic water diversion .

  10. 介绍了上海市引清调水工作的内容,讨论了上海市开展引清调水工作的必要性,并从水量、水质和水位三个方面论证了开展引清调水工作的可行性。

    Clean water diversion project in Shanghai City was introduced , and its necessities and feasibilities were discussed according to three factors , i.e. , water quantity , water quality and water level .

  11. 阐明上海市引清调水的有利条件和必要条件为河网的潮汐特性、水利分片综合治理格局已基本形成、水源地水质较好以及调水试验的实践和研究。

    The necessary and favorable conditions for clean water diversion are as follows : the tidal characteristic of the river network , the formation of regionalized comprehensive regulation pattern , the good water quality of water sources , and the research and practice of water diversion experiments .

  12. 通过对唐代清乐调的延续和衍变情况的探讨,看出唐代清乐虽然没有消亡,但其影响已微。

    Chapter 3 delineates the state of Qing Yue in Tang Dynasty , and finds that Qing Yue does not perish , but its influence becomes weak .

  13. 再论相和歌及其与清商三调的关系

    Xiang He Ge with Inter-relations to Three Songs of Qing Shang Revisited

  14. 清商三调研究

    Research on " Qingshang Three-Mode "

  15. 考虑到下面的因素,他完成的任务就更令人惊叹了:他16岁之前都分不清c调和d调。

    His task was the more incredible because , until he was16 , he hadn 't known " a C from a D " .