
qīng lián
  • incorruptible;honest and upright;free from corruption
清廉 [qīng lián]
  • [honest and upright] 清白廉洁

清廉[qīng lián]
  1. 北宋中期的诗人梅挚生平虽不煊赫,但为官清廉,正直敢言,堪称循吏。

    Mei Zhi was not a poet of great renown , but an honest and upright official in Northern Song Dynasty .

  2. 冠带褴褛不一定证明你是清廉的。

    Shabby clothes do not necessarily prove that you are free from corruption .

  3. 他自称是“清廉先生”。

    He styled himself " Mister Clean " .

  4. 从1998年开始,该非政府组织开始每年发布“清廉指数”(CorruptionPerceptionsIndex)。

    The nongovernmental organization has released its Corruption Perceptions Index each year since nineteen ninety-eight .

  5. 这种严格的约束可能会阻止人们犯错:荷兰在透明国际(TransparencyInternational)全球清廉指数排行榜中排名第九,名次仅低于主要信仰路德教派的斯堪的纳维亚国家。

    This stringency may deter people from sinning : the Netherlands ranks ninth in Transparency International 's corruption perception index , just below the mostly Lutheran Scandinavian countries .

  6. n.公正;诚实;清廉;刚正不阿

    the quality of thinking or behaving in a correct and honest way honesty and correct moral behaviour

  7. 从1995年第一次发布以来,透明国际每年的清廉指数(CPI)已经改变了人们对世界范围内的腐败的看法。

    Since its first publication in1995 , TI 's annual Corruption Perception Index ( CPI ) has changed perceptions about corruption worldwide .

  8. 他因其清廉而深受大家的尊敬。

    He is highly respected by everyone for his integrity .

  9. 萨科齐2007年竞选总统的时候,承诺建立一个清廉的政府。

    Sarkozy ran for the French presidency in2007 promising a clean government .

  10. 今年,最清廉的国家是新西兰。

    This year the country seen as least corrupt is New Zealand .

  11. 在这个凄凉的土地上,你是正义和清廉的象征。

    You 're a symbol of righteousness and rectitude in our godforsaken land .

  12. 清廉度促进经济发展的实证研究

    Study on the Role of Incorruptness in Economic Development

  13. 我们都佩服那位法官的清廉。

    We admire the judge for his integrity .

  14. 四年前,西班牙和爱尔兰被视为财政清廉的楷模。

    Four years ago Spain and Ireland were seen as models of fiscal rectitude .

  15. 试论公正清廉的要求

    On the Demands of Justice and Cleaness

  16. 清廉的名声是我们统治管理帝国的最大优势。

    This reputation for incorruptibility is the greatest of our advantages in administering the Empire .

  17. 因此,到目前为止马丁内斯都只是在努力建立一个清廉的政府。

    So Ms Martinez , so far , has simply tried to represent clean government .

  18. 公务员必须学会始终如一地以清廉、透明和有效的方式执行职务。

    Public servants must learn to consistently function in a clean , transparent and effective manner .

  19. 排在倒数第一位的是索马里。这已经是索马里连续第三年倒数第一。该名单的排列顺序基于一系列国际组织认为该国政府的清廉程度。

    At the bottom of the list , ranked last for the third year , is Somalia .

  20. 清廉:中国古代官箴之一瞥

    Official Admonitions in Ancient China

  21. 家乐福制定了很多规则,为的是保持清廉,杜绝腐败。

    Carrefour have many rules , these are all in order to keep honest , eliminating corruption .

  22. 两名前总统都涉及大规模贪污丑闻,低级官员能清廉吗?

    When two former presidents were involved in massive corruption , would lower-ranking officials not follow suit ?

  23. 宋代,清廉是官员必须遵守的基本政治准则。

    In the Song dynasty , honesty and uprightness are the basic political rules that officials must obey .

  24. 马英九的声望主要来自于他在台湾政治界清廉先生的形象。

    Mr Ma 's popularity has mainly rested on an image as the Mr Clean of Taiwanese politics .

  25. 在斯皮策的拥护者看来,他是检察官中的典范&工作勤奋、富有想像力而且清廉。

    To his boosters , Mr Spitzer is a paragon among prosecutors : diligent , imaginative and incorruptible .

  26. 当民警,爬冰卧雪,撇家舍业,为警清廉;

    When the police , climbing ice lying snow , the write-home care industry , for the police clean ;

  27. 因此,加强高校廉政文化建设,对有效遏制腐败,重塑文化清廉的高校形象,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Thus , it is meaningful for dealing with corruption and keeping culture clean to strengthen clean government culture .

  28. 他从政多年,清廉是大家对他的一致评价。

    He has had a government post for a long time and everyone thinks he is free from corruption .

  29. 因此,增设商业伦理课程有利于中国形成一种更为清廉的商业文化与社会。

    More business ethics programmes should , therefore , lead to a less corrupt Chinese business culture and society .

  30. 那时人们仍尊重公正清廉,有内在涵养的人。

    where we still , at that point , valued people for their inner selves and their moral rectitude .