
tí gāng
  • outline;syllabus;summary;synopsis;grasp the key link;seize the key;take a net by the headrope
提纲 [tí gāng]
  • (1) [take a net by the headrope]∶提举网的总绳

  • (2) [grasp the key link;seize the key]∶比喻抓住大的或主要的

  • (3) [summary;outline]∶文章、讲话等的内容要点

  • 写发言提纲

提纲[tí gāng]
  1. 你应该为文章草拟个计划或提纲。

    You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay .

  2. 这可以用下面的提纲简短地加以概括。

    It may be briefly summarized in the following outline .

  3. 你先拟个提纲再写。

    Make an outline before you start writing .

  4. 写作文之前先写个提纲。

    Make an outline before trying to write a composition .

  5. 这个提纲写得太略了。

    This outline is rather too sketchy .

  6. 像“写文章”这样的待办事项是要花很长时间的,但它可以分为几个步骤,比如:写提纲,写作,修改你的前言。

    A to do list item like " Write essay " is the kind of thing that will take long hours of work , but it can be broken into steps , like : write an outline , free write , revise your intro paragraph .

  7. 本文对此也作了介绍,并介绍了AES标准的提纲。

    This paper introduces the draft of AES evaluation criteria .

  8. XMLBuddy是免费插件,它为Eclipse增添了XML编辑能力,其中包括对用户可配置的语法着色、DTD驱动的代码辅助、验证以及同步的提纲视图。

    XMLBuddy is a freeware plug-in that enriches Eclipse with XML editing capabilities that include user-configurable syntax coloring , DTD-driven code assist , and validation and synchronized outline view .

  9. 提纲中使用的标记可以作为翻译单元的id属性,简化提纲和XLIFF文件之间的映射。

    The mark used in the skeleton can be used as an id attribute for the translation unit to simplify the mapping between the skeleton and the XLIFF file .

  10. 一名分析师总结称:一开始你做的工作非常简单,例如搜集数据,或者根据已经起草好的提纲用PowerPoint制作幻灯片。

    One analyst sums it up : You start with very simple tasks such as looking for data and maybe putting into PowerPoint a slide that was already drafted .

  11. 该课程的网页是'http://web.mit.edu/18.06,曾有很多的练习,MATLAB代码和该课程的课程提纲。

    And the course webpage , which has got a lot of exercises from the past , MATLAB codes , the syllabus for the course is'http : / / web . mit . edu / 18.06 ' . And this is the first lecture .

  12. 翻译后的XLIFF必须与提纲文件合并,形成目标输出格式的翻译文档。

    The translated XLIFF must now be merged with the skeleton file to produce a translated document in the desired output format .

  13. 方法采用抽搐性运动障碍定式检查提纲,中国精神障碍分类与诊断以及Yale抽搐性运动严重度全面评分表对31个先证者的家系进行评定和诊断。

    METHODS : International standard structural schedule for tic disorder , Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders and the Yale global scale for tic severity were used to evaluate and diagnose the families of 31 probands with tic disorder .

  14. 所有标记都使用XLIFF文件中的对应文本代替之后,提纲就变成了翻译后的文档,应该使用新的名称保存它。

    After all marks have been replaced with the corresponding text from the XLIFF file , the skeleton becomes a translated document and should be saved under a new name .

  15. 依据以往国内外相关文献,特别参考Sarwer(1998)提出的体像与整容模型编制预访谈提纲,据此对10名已经做过美容手术的受术者进行访谈。

    Based on relevant studies in foreign and domestic field , especially the model of body-image and cosmetic surgery proposed by Sarwer ( 1998 ), the researcher has made an outline to make an interview with ten persons who have gone surgeries .

  16. 过滤程序将不可翻译的部分保存在专门的文件中,称为提纲。

    Filters store the non-translatable portions in special files called skeletons .

  17. 拟议论文提纲与思维训练

    Giving an Outline of an Argumentation and the Training of Thinking

  18. 附录&对敏捷宣言发起者的采访提纲

    Appendix – The Interview with the Originators of the Agile Manifesto

  19. 拟写提纲,列出各段落细节。

    Write an outline by listing the details for each paragraph .

  20. 如果条理化,也许会产生一份提纲,

    If the things get organized , perhaps through an outline ,

  21. 《关于费尔巴哈提纲》新世界观解析

    Analysis of " New World Outlook " in Theses on Feuerbach

  22. 这个提纲可以帮你记起怎样讲清楚你的意思。

    These notes will remind you how to present your ideas .

  23. 缺省情况下,提纲与编辑动态同步。

    By default , the outline is dynamically synchronized with editing .

  24. 标题提纲&这是最常见的形式。

    The Topic Outline-This is the most common form of outline .

  25. 《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》第十一条的一种新解读

    A New Interpretation of the Eleventh Thesis of Theses on Feuerbach

  26. 在会议里,我们会讨论你们的初步提纲。

    In the conference , we 'll discuss your preliminary outline .

  27. 新哲学的诞生地&重读《关于费尔巴哈提纲》

    Birthplace of New Philosophy & Rereading 《 The outline of Feuerbach 》

  28. 当代中国新文化基因若干问题思考提纲

    An Outline on the New Cultural Gene in Contemporary China

  29. 请在星期二之前把你们下一篇文章的提纲交上来。

    Please hand in an outline for your next essay by tuesday .

  30. 工艺包设计编写提纲探讨

    Discussion of How to Prepare Outlines of Process Design Package