
dī fang
  • take precautions against;be on guard against;beware of;look out for squalls;watch out;on guard;watch out for;watch for
提防 [dī fáng]
  • [be on guard against] 小心防备,警惕

  • 只要提防他便了;岂不闻古人言:“吃饭防噎,走路防跌。”——《水浒传》

提防[dī fang]
  1. 劳动者签订劳动合同应提防陷阱

    Employees Should be on Guard Against Traps in Concluding Labor Contract

  2. 当购物的时候,我们应该提防扒手。

    When we go shopping , we should be on guard against pickpockets .

  3. 我一定会时刻睁大眼睛提防他的行为。

    I shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour .

  4. 提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。

    Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride .

  5. 要提防小偷。

    Be on the watch for thieves .

  6. 她露出一副察言观色、处处提防的表情。

    Her expression was watchful and alert .

  7. 他时刻提防着任何有辱尊严之事。

    He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation .

  8. 过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人。

    People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers

  9. 他是一个狡猾的顾客,要小心提防。

    He is a slippery customer , and should be carefully watched .

  10. 当你决定如何投资时要提防诈骗者。

    Beware the sharks when you are making up your mind how to invest .

  11. 开始时他们对西蒙小心提防。

    Initially , they were wary of Simon .

  12. 我向来提防穿西服的男人,因为我认为穿西服就等同于权力和权威。

    I 'm always wary of men wearing suits , as I equate this with power and authority

  13. 他提醒游客要提防小偷。

    He warned the tourists against pickpockets .

  14. 提防扒手。

    Be on your guard against pickpockets .

  15. 提防他们暗中搞鬼。

    Beware of their tricks .

  16. 提防危险!

    Beware of dangers !

  17. 这个指挥总是提防这样的动作。

    The conductor was always on the watch for such doings .

  18. 我们时时刻刻都在提防突然袭击。

    We were constantly on the alert against any surprise attack .

  19. 你必须提防野兽。

    You must keep a good watch for wild animals .

  20. 我们应当提防伪装的朋友。

    We should watch out for those friends in disguise .

  21. 她猜疑地提防着自己的丈夫。

    She is keeping a jealous eye on her husband .

  22. 学外语时要提防发音错误。

    Guard against mispronunciation when you learn a foreign language .

  23. 侦察员提防着敌人的巡逻队。

    The scouts are watching out for enemy patrols .

  24. 放荒时一定要提防火灾。

    It is necessary to guard against disastrous fires when burning wild bushes and weeds .

  25. 我提醒你提防危险。

    I advised you of the danger .

  26. 他提防生人。

    He is wary of strangers .

  27. 他警告我提防扒手。

    He warned me against pickpockets .

  28. 我们在明处,敌特在暗处,可得提防着他们点儿。

    Enemy agents act under cover while we are in the open , so we must be on guard .

  29. 那个机灵的希腊人,行动既敏捷又早有提防,轻捷地跳到一边,凶猛利落地对准蛇头打去。

    Quick and watchful , the agile Greek leaped lightly aside , and struck so fell and dexterous a blow on the head of the snake .

  30. 但是,正如这项针对人类的研究所显示的,海豚睁眼睡觉的另一个原因在于它们睡觉时要提防捕食者。

    But , as the human study suggest , another reason for dolphins keeping their eyes open during sleep is that they can look out for predators while asleep .