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  1. 蝶向前是靠拉臂上提臀促成。

    Butterfly forward movement is caused by arm pull and hip movement upwards .

  2. 这不叫“提臀”好吗?

    They 're not called tushy-ups , okay ?

  3. 替你在巴西做的提臀手术买单。

    At financing your Brazilian butt lift .

  4. 还有巴西提臀术,将脂肪转移到臀部。

    There 's also the Brazilian butt lift , which involves transferring fat into the butt .

  5. 然而,目前这种功能性与舒适性兼备的牛仔裤并不多见,大多数提臀牛仔裤普遍存在裤裆结构设计不合理的问题,由此可见,提臀牛仔裤的结构研究具有非常重大的意义。

    However , the kind of jeans with functionality and comfort are rare , the most widespread have the problems that structure design of crotch are unreasonable .

  6. 外科医生进行了鼻整形术、胃和大腿内外抽脂、提臀、眼部填充物、唇部填充物、下颌填充物和肉毒杆菌素。

    Surgeons performed a rhinoplasty , liposuction on the stomach , inner and outer thighs , a butt lift , fillers under the eyes , lip filler , jawline filler and Botox .

  7. 牛仔裤从诞生至今,一直盛行不衰,一条合适的提臀牛仔裤不仅可以起到提臀收腹、修正体型的作用,而且对人体不产生束缚感。

    From birth to the present , Jeans has been popular . A superior of hip-lifting jeans can heighten the hip , correct body type , moreover it does not produce sense of restraint .

  8. 除了要跟上本季潮流(喇叭口的?紧身显瘦的?男友风的?),女性还希望牛仔裤能提臀、收腹、使双腿看起来更修长。

    As well as adhering to the style of the season ( flared ? skinny ? boyfriend ? ) , women want jeans that flatter their bottom , suck in their tummy and make their legs look longer .

  9. 皮茜之前是瑞典的一名电工,到现在她已经接受了十五项整容手术,花费约12万美元用于四次丰胸、四次隆鼻以及提臀,更令人震惊的是她取出了六根肋骨。

    To date , Fox , a former electrician from Sweden , has gone under the knife a whopping 15 times and invested an estimated $ 121000 on risky operations that include four breast augmentations , four nose jobs , liposuction a Brazilian butt lift and - most shockingly - the removal of six ribs by a doctor in Indianapolis .

  10. 也许加大几罩杯,提一点臀。

    Maybe go up a cup size , lift my ass a little bit .