
tí qǐng
  • Request;submit sth. to
提请 [tí qǐng]
  • [submit sth. to] 向上级提议并请求批准或同意

提请[tí qǐng]
  1. 他提请注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实。

    He called attention to the fact that many files were missing .

  2. 争执双方已同意提请仲裁。

    Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration .

  3. 在发生一系列交通事故之后,警方提请驾驶人要谨慎驾车。

    After a series of road accidents the police pleaded for sanity among drivers .

  4. 他的律师提请撤销所有指控。

    His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped

  5. 这件事很有可能要提请仲裁。

    The matter is likely to go to arbitration .

  6. 他批准了提请审议的法案。

    He gave his assent to the proposed legislation

  7. 该法案在获得通过成为法律前,将提请公众讨论。

    The bill would be submitted for public discussion before being enacted as law .

  8. 拒绝停止使用的,红十字会可以提请人民政府按照有关法律、法规的规定予以处理。

    in case of refusing to cease such acts , the Red Cross Society may appeal to the people 's government to deal with the matter according to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations .

  9. 最后我用好老Microsoft画图,并提请从影片中的地毯设计自己!

    In the end I used good old Microsoft Paint and drew the design myself from the rug in the movie !

  10. 目的:介绍本院发生的严重或罕见的药物不良反应(ADR)报告,提请临床注意。

    Objective : To introduce severe or infrequent adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) in our hospital .

  11. 为确保信仰组织在竞争联邦资金时得到平等对待,我提请各位永久性地延长“慈善选择”(CharitableChoice)条款。

    And to help guarantee equal treatment for faith-based organizations when they compete for Federal funds , I ask you to permanently extend Charitable Choice .

  12. 争议双方提请WTO争端解决机制解决争议,及专家组与上诉机构用于解决争端的法律渊源有哪些,对当事方而言意义重大,往往决定了争议的最后结果。

    Contesting Parties submit the dispute settlement system to solve the dispute and the Panel and the Appellate Institution decide which sources of law can be used in solving dispute .

  13. 有了HTTP请求,页面可以直接向服务器提请要求,或接受服务器回应,而不必再重新加载页面。

    With an HTTP request , a web page can make a request to , and get a response from a web server - without reloading the page .

  14. 通常情况下,向w3c提请推荐的标准都会被公告出来。他会以公共文档的形式描述这个提议。

    Often a submission to the W3C becomes a note . a note is a description of a suggestion refined as a public document .

  15. 台湾高雄市政府提请法院冻结李长荣化学工业股份有限公司(LCYChemicalCo.,简称:李长荣化工)的资产。当局正在调查李长荣化工在一场气体爆炸事故中的责任,这是台湾伤亡最惨重的一起可燃气体爆炸事故。

    The southern Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung has asked a court to freeze LCY Chemical Corp. 's assets , while investigating the petrochemical producer 's role in the island 's deadliest gas explosion .

  16. 劳工部部长希尔达·索利斯(HildaSolis)提请大家注意这样一个事实:美国就业岗位已经连续十二个月增加。

    Labor Secretary Hilda Solis called attention to the fact that the economy has added jobs for twelve months in a row .

  17. 对No.7信令方式电话用户部分测试中,发现的几个典型问题进行分析,提请在测试中予以注意。

    The typical problems found in the telephone user part test of the No 7 signalling system , which worth noting in test , are analysed in this paper .

  18. Schmidt与该镇镇长UwePfeiffer已经提请柏林方面赔付债款,然而他们的请求被柏林方面驳回。

    Requests to settle the debt have been made by Schmidt and mayor Uwe Pfeiffer , however these appeals have so far been rejected .

  19. 纽约血液中心的发言人维多利亚·奥尼尔(VictoriaO’Neill)表示,中心的官员不会就这一问题接受采访,因为“利比里亚政府提请了仲裁,目前正在处理中。”

    Victoria O'Neill , a spokeswoman for the blood center , said officials there would not grant interviews regarding the issue because " there is arbitration going on , brought by the Liberian government . "

  20. C0272是由一位弟子所提请的翰墨。

    C0272 is a calligraphy requested by a disciple .

  21. 应弟子王浩以下之提请,我已手书F1447。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below , I had written F1447 in calligraphy .

  22. 2009年,有指控称,securency代理人向政府官员支付回扣,兰金于是提请澳洲警方调查此事。

    Mr Rankin in 2009 requested Australian police investigate securency when allegations surfaced that its agents had paid kickbacks to government officials .

  23. 史蒂夫被提请书籍从小。

    Steve was drawn to books at a very early age .

  24. 他们决定把这问题坦率地提请委员会考虑。

    They decided to put the problem plainly before the committee .

  25. 由弟子绵延所提请的又三首已完成。

    As requested by disciple Mian Yan three more are done .

  26. 必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再提请他们注意

    Stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or

  27. 政府准备把这一争端提请仲裁。

    The government was prepared to submit the dispute to arbitration .

  28. 会议决定将一些文件提请审议。

    The meeting decided to submit documents to lawmakers for deliberation .

  29. 应您知是谁之提请,我已将您知是啥写成翰墨了。

    As requested by you-know-who I had written you-know-what into calligraphy .

  30. 他正在提请诉讼,但应该站不住脚。

    He 's pressing charges , and they won 't stick .