
tí shén
  • Refreshing;refresh oneself;give oneself a lift
提神 [tí shén]
  • [refresh oneself;give oneself a lift] 使疲怠的精神兴奋起来

  • 这种药能提神醒脑

提神[tí shén]
  1. 喝杯茶[洗个热水澡]以提神

    Refresh oneself with a cup of tea / a hot bath

  2. 『本草纲目』记载:人参、薄荷有提神醒脑、舒缓压力、舒筋活络作用。

    It is recorded by Compendium of Materia Medica that Ginseng and Peppermint can refresh oneself , relieve tension and activate collaterals .

  3. 草药用于调制提神饮品已有好几个世纪了。

    Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks .

  4. 如果想提神,不要吃巧克力或者喝咖啡,试试薄荷油。

    When you crave a pick-me-up , don 't reach for chocolate or coffee — try peppermint oil instead

  5. 我们喝了一杯热咖啡提神。

    We fortified ourselves with a cup of hot coffee .

  6. 有些能量条中包含大量的碳水化合物和咖啡因,以达到快速提神的效果。

    Some power bars are loaded with carbohydrates or caffeine for quick jolts .

  7. 水很凉,特别解乏提神。

    The water was cold and wonderfully refreshing .

  8. 提神并增加体能的果汁饮料

    a refreshing and energizing fruit drink

  9. 春天和夏天喷挺好,因为这款香挺提神的,闻着精神爽。

    It 's nice for spring or summer days , as I found it to be quite refreshing .

  10. 酪乳也是19世纪晚期和20世纪早期北美常见的一种提神饮料,甚至连医生也建议人们喝酪乳。

    It was also a common refreshment12 in late-19th and early 20th-century North America — the beverage13 was even recommended by physicians .

  11. 咖啡因。caffeinepills是将咖啡因制成的药锭,服用后可提神我喜欢早上的咖啡因滋味。

    caffeine ( n. ) I like caffeine in the morning .

  12. 那天,卡梅伦正要前往普利茅斯出席军人节庆祝大会,他把车停在TheSandwichBoxPlus店外,想进去买杯咖啡提提神。

    Mr Cameron was visiting Plymouth for Armed Forces Day when he stopped at The Sandwich Box Plus in search of a pick-me-up .

  13. 在美国社交网络Facebook公司罕见地赢得了于中国一家公司的商标争夺诉讼后,中国人再也无法用“facebook”提神饮料来解渴了。

    Chinese people won 't be able to quench their thirst with a refreshing " face book " beverage , after the U.S. social networking company won a rare trademark victory against a local firm in China .

  14. 所以,就在我喝了一杯水提神后,MIT是我每天首要完成的任务。

    So , the MIT is the first thing I do each day , right after I have a glass of water to wake me up .

  15. 英国利兹都市大学(LeedsMetropolitanUniversity)的身体活动和健康教授詹姆斯・麦克纳(JamesMcKenna)称,中午锻炼带来的提神效果能够持续三到四个小时。

    A workout then can give you an energy boost lasting three to four hours , says James McKenna , a professor of physical activity and health at Leeds Metropolitan University in England .

  16. 提神饮料:我通常在家喝一杯咖啡,到办公室再喝一杯,但是我也喜欢PhoBang餐馆的越南咖啡。

    Pick-me-up : I usually have a coffee at home and one at work , but I also like the Vietnamese coffee from Pho Bang .

  17. 提神饮料:“我通常在家喝一杯咖啡,到办公室再喝一杯,但是我也喜欢PhoBang餐馆的越南咖啡。”

    Pick-me-up : " I usually have a coffee at home and one at work , but I also like the Vietnamese coffee from Pho Bang . "

  18. 不断重复的《铃儿响叮当》(JingleBells)的旋律,貌似是给消费者在噩梦般的圣诞购物时提神使用的,实际上还有微妙的影响。

    While repeated renditions of Jingle Bells may seem like an innocent attempt to raise customers ' spirits during the nightmare of Christmas shopping , the songs also have a more subtle impact .

  19. 生物物理学家奥利·莫里特森(OleMouritsen)说,一个很重要的原因就是重力——或者说重力在海里的作用微乎其微。他写过一本书,叫做《寿司:养眼、果腹又提神的食物》。

    A big part of it is gravity - or the effective lack of it in the ocean , says biophysicist Ole Mouritsen , author of Sushi : Food for the Eye , the Body and the Soul .

  20. 阿根廷人都喜欢在外面待到很晚才回家,所以不妨到LABTostadoresdeCafe补充些咖啡因提提神,这里是布宜诺斯艾利斯新一代现代咖啡馆中最棒的一间,可让你在充满工业风格的时尚环境中品尝一杯意式浓缩咖啡。

    Argentines stay out late , so fortify yourself with a caffeine stop at LAB Tostadores de Cafe , a roastery and one of the best of Buenos Aires 's new crop of modern coffee shops , where espresso is served in an industrial chic interior .

  21. 为了达到提神效果,碧思丽(Beesley)建议将花园设计得五彩缤纷,并种植有香气的植物,例如薰衣草、迷迭香等。

    To help " raise the spirits ", Beesley advises using scented shrubs such as lavender or rosemary , and lots of colours .

  22. 咖啡里天然的咖啡因会使大脑兴奋,让你准备好随时应对一天中的事。除了提神,咖啡对意些人还有通便的功效。HuffPost不久前就报道过,咖啡会刺激大肠肌肉收缩,促进食物流动。

    coffee 's natural caffeine content stimulates your brain and prepares you to brace the day ahead.Besides that jolt , caffeine can also offer a laxativeeffect for some people.As HuffPost previously reported , it stimulates muscle contractions in the large intestines ,

  23. 人们喝茶是因为茶的不同品种和提神的效果。

    People drink tea because of its variety and refreshing effect .

  24. 一整壶咖啡都没法让我提神不瞌睡。

    A whole pot of coffee couldn 't keep me sharp .

  25. 我常喝杯茶提神。

    And I usually refresh myself with a cup of tea .

  26. 那就是我需要喝咖啡提神的时候了。

    That 's when I drink coffee to wake me up .

  27. 你需要获得充足的睡眠,为第二天的工作提提神。

    Get enough sleep to refresh yourself for the next day .

  28. 他喝茶提神之后,慢慢地讲述起他的那番苦难经历。

    Fortified with tea , he spoke slowly about his ordeal .

  29. 喝杯白兰地提提神吧。

    Have a glass of brandy to keep up your spirits .

  30. 我们干吗不洗个热水澡提提神呢?

    Why do not we freshen up with a hot bath ?