
jiàn wèi
  • strengthening the stomach;promoting digestion;helping to stimulate the appetite
健胃 [jiàn wèi]
  • [strengthening the stomach] 指加强胃的消化功能的方法。胃主纳食,以和降为顺。健胃常结合降气行气。如丁香、白豆蔻、砂仁、川朴、陈皮等。挟湿浊,可加芳香化湿药;挟食滞,可加消食导滞药;兼气虚,可加健脾益气药

  1. 内服可用作泻药、健胃药等。

    To be taken orally can use as cathartic , stomachic tonic .

  2. 健胃消痞方能明显改善脾虚型FD患者的临床症状,安全有效,疗效优于多潘立酮。

    Prescription of tonifying stomach and clearing lump can improve clinical symptom of spleen-deficient FD patients significantly and it is safer and has better curative effect than domperidone .

  3. 目的:从溃疡愈合质量(QOUH)角度探讨健胃汤抗消化性溃疡(PU)复发的可能机制。

    Objective : To investigate the mechanism of Jianwei decoction ( JWD ) against recurrence of peptic ulcer ( PU ) in quality of ulcer healing ( QOUH ) .

  4. 方法:制备乙酸致大鼠胃溃疡模型,分别予健胃汤及西咪替丁治疗13d后,检测胃溃疡粘膜细胞凋亡指数(AI)、增殖细胞核抗原标记指数(LI),并分析细胞周期变化情况。

    Methods : Rats with acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer treated with JWD or cimetidine for 13 days , the apoptotic index ( AI )、 proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling index ( LI ) and cell cycle were detected .

  5. 结论:健胃愈疡颗粒可增加Bcl2及MK的表达,减少胃黏膜上皮细胞凋亡,降低IL1β所致的大鼠胃溃疡复发。

    Conclusion : JWYY granule can increase the expression of Bcl 2 and MK mRNA in gastric tissue , reducing epithelial cell apoptosis , so prevent ulcer relapse caused by IL 1 β .

  6. 复方健胃散对广西本地黄牛瘤胃生理指标的影响

    Effect of stomach powder on Guangxi local cattle rumen physiological index

  7. 目的:探讨健胃胶囊治疗消化不良的作用机制。

    Objective : To study the pharmacodynamic effect of Jianwei capsule .

  8. 猴菇健胃胶囊对慢性浅表性胃炎的疗效

    Curative Effect of " Hougu Stomachic Capsule " on Chronic Superficial Gastritis

  9. 目的:对健胃灵颗粒的提取工艺进行优化。

    OBJECTIVE : To optimize the technique for extraction of Jianweiling granules .

  10. 常饮此茶,既能消暑又能止咳、化痰、健胃。

    The tea good on the throat and Stomach .

  11. 降脂健胃保鲜油的实验研究

    Studies on the lipide-reducing stomachic and antistaling oil

  12. 红曲霉与健胃中药合生素对小鼠常规指标影响的研究

    Effects of Monascus and Chinese Traditional Medicine Synbiotics on the Conventional Indices of Mice

  13. 结论本法处方合理,工艺简单,所制备的小儿健胃消食颗粒质量稳定。

    The quality of prepared granule was stable .

  14. 健胃剂,开胃剂:一种化学药剂,如内服药,能够加强胃功能或促进胃消化。

    An agent , such as a medicine , that strengthens or stimulates the stomach .

  15. 原野灵芝龙酒:增强机体免疫力,改善微循环,健胃保肝。

    Wild Ganoderma Dragon wine : enhance immunity , improve microcirculation , stomach and liver .

  16. 健胃中药与木醋液对育肥猪血液指标的影响

    Effect of Chinese Herb and Wood Vinegar Feed Additives on Blood Indexes in Finisher Pigs

  17. 木瓜也有助于消食健胃。

    The papaya promotes good digestion too .

  18. 健胃胶囊(胃舒灵)治疗糜烂性胃炎和溃疡病的临床观察

    The clinical observation on treatment of erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer with capsule of strengthening stomach

  19. 通过检测猴菇健胃胶囊对急性胃黏膜损伤的保护功能,了解该保健品有无保护胃黏膜的功效。

    Hedgehog hydnum stomachic capsule has protective effect on ethanol-induced acute gastric mucosal lesion in rats .

  20. 平时、病后调摄防护上注意护脾健胃。

    And should protect spleen and stomach on nursing and protection at ordinary and illed times .

  21. 具有顺气、止咳、健胃、消暑、保养皮肤之功效。

    Along with gas , cough , stomach , summer heat , the effect of skin care .

  22. 针刺理脾健胃穴位对重症肌无力患者免疫功能的影响

    Affection of acupuncture on points regulating spleen and tonifying stomach to immune function of patients with myasthenia gravis

  23. 在我国主要是内蒙和新疆等少数民族地区作为保肝、健胃药用。

    Chinese use herb of chicory to protect liver and strengthen the stomach in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang .

  24. 枳术丸为常用消食健胃经典方,对功能性消化不良有较好的疗效。

    In common use and digestive classic prescription , there is good curative effect to the function indigestion .

  25. 长期饮用更可健胃养生,减肥健身,防衰老。

    Long-term drinking can not only keep the stomach healthy , but also lose weigh and prevent aging .

  26. 延参健胃胶囊对艾滋病痞满病的影响及胃电特点的分析

    The Effect of Yan-Sheng-Jian-Pi Capsule on Painful and Full Abdominal Mass in AIDS and Gastric Electrical Activity Feature Analysis

  27. 自拟健胃汤对老年胃癌术后患者生活质量的影响

    Effect of self-made soup for strengthening the stomach on the life quality in patients with gastric cancer after operation

  28. 治疗组给予新健胃片,对照组给予新健胃片模拟剂。

    Stomachic treatment group given the new film , the control group given the new film simulation stomachic agents .

  29. 目的研究预先给予健胃益气汤对无水乙醇致大鼠急性胃粘膜损伤的细胞保护作用。

    Methods : Acute model of gastric mucosal damage induced by perfusion of the ethanol into stomach was established .

  30. 目的探讨健胃汤对溃疡愈合质量的影响及作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the the effect and mechanism of Jian-wei decoction ( JWD ) on quality of ulcer healing .