
  • 网络Health Risk Assessment;Hra
  1. 农田土壤环境质量标准值制定与健康风险评估

    Health risk assessment and establishment of environmental quality standard for farmland soil

  2. 城市空气质量健康风险评估研究进展

    Research Progress on Urban Air Quality Health Risk Assessment

  3. MR工能够准确对SA与VA进行测量,有助于客观地分析肥胖患者的体内脂肪状况,并且对减肥疗效评价及健康风险评估具有重要的意义。

    And the VA and SA will be measured accurately in MRI , conducing to objective analysis the fat in body of the obese patients , and there are important significance to evaluate the effect of losing weight and the risk of health .

  4. 自组织特征映射在人群健康风险评估中的应用研究

    Application Research on SOM Network for Human Health Risk Assessments

  5. 环境铅污染所致儿童健康风险评估方法探讨

    Investigation on health risk by environmental lead pollution in children

  6. 795名国家公务员心血管疾病健康风险评估

    Evaluation of Health Risk in 795 Governmental Office Workers

  7. 环境事件污染场地健康风险评估方法初步研究

    Health risk assessment for contaminated sites after environmental accident

  8. 对河南某城市一工业废弃污染场地进行了健康风险评估。

    Pollution survey and health risk of BTEX in indoor air of public places ;

  9. 贫困农村地区慢性病患者家庭的健康风险评估

    Health Related Risk Assessment on Families Victimized by Chronic Illness in Poor Rural Areas

  10. 象山港海域生物体中有机氯农药残留水平及人体健康风险评估

    Level of organochlorine pesticides in organisms of xiangshan harbour and assessment on human health risk

  11. 基于人体健康风险评估的污染场地管理与修复研究

    Research on the Contaminated Sites Management and Remediation Based on the Human Health Risk Assessment

  12. 土壤环境质量指导值与标准研究Ⅱ·污染土壤的健康风险评估

    Study on soil environmental quality guidelines and standards ⅱ . health risk assessment of polluted soils

  13. 大连经济技术开发区空气中挥发性有机物的检测与健康风险评估

    Determination and Health Risk Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Dalian Eco . & Tech. Development Zone

  14. 同时采用健康风险评估的方法评价了火法工艺产生的二次污染对人体健康可能造成的危害。

    At the same time , the health risk assessment method is used to evaluate the possible dangers this technology causes to human health .

  15. 在环境健康风险评估中,研究者低估女性居民在家务工作中可能的污染暴露;

    For instance , the environmental health risk assessments underestimated female residents'exposure to pollutants caused by their contact with certain chemicals during their house chores .

  16. 研究人员对一家大型跨国医药公司职员的“健康风险评估”进行了研究分析,职员涉及仓储、生产和管理等多个不同的岗位。

    The researchers looked at Health Risk Appraisals from employees in jobs ranging from warehouse and production workers to executives at a large multinational pharmaceutical company .

  17. 污染土壤健康风险评估是制定土壤环境质量标准的基础,是一项新的环境管理技术与手段。

    As a new environmental management tool ,( health ) risk assessment ( HRS ) of polluted soil forms the base for establishing soil environmental quality standards .

  18. 环境危险因素健康效应风险评估研究进展

    Study Progression on Risk Assessing of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects

  19. 中国城镇居民自我药疗行为健康风险水平评估

    Health risk of self-medication in Chinese urban residents

  20. 利用风险评价技术对回用水的健康风险进行评估成为保证安全回用的关键。

    With increasing quantity of wastewater reuse , the dangers which would caused by reclaimed water become more and more important .

  21. 目的:通过调查,了解杭州市拱墅区涉苯企业职业卫生现状,分析职业危害的影响因素,并对员工健康风险进行评估。

    Objectives : to investigate occupational health status of enterprise with benzene hazard of Gongshu district in Hangzhou . analysing the influence factors of occupational hazards , and to evaluate health risks of employee .

  22. 农药对人体健康影响的风险评估

    The Approach of Human Health Risk Assessment from Pesticides

  23. 这一对紫外线辐射的健康风险的全球评估为公共卫生行动提供了良好的基础。

    This global assessment of the health risks of UV radiation provides a good basis for public health action .

  24. 为了查明水产品中天然甲醛的含量水平及其对人体的健康风险,研究了常见水产品中的甲醛天然含量,参照CAC的方法对其进行了健康风险评估。

    The paper surveyed the natural contents of formaldehyde in common aquatic products and conducted a risk assessment on it by the method of CAC .