
jī xiè chènɡ
  • mechanical scale
  1. 进料口与用户自备的储料仓连接,机械秤称量,结构紧凑,安装方便。

    The connection between feeding opening and storage silo self-prepared by users and weighing by mechanical scale are adopted for the equipment with compact structure and convenient installation .

  2. 介绍在国内中小炼铁高炉中应用PLC技术改造老式的机械秤及机械电子秤组成的配料上料系统,从而实现高炉上料过程自动化的一些经验。

    Some experience is introduced in this thesis of how to make use of PLC in weighing / controlling process for automatic feeding system in Blast Furnace .

  3. 机械杠杆秤的改造

    Remake of a Mechanical Lever - Type Balance