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  1. 从膨胀机事故论膨胀机的控制

    On control of an expander as viewed from an accident of expander

  2. 中国古代文论中的风趣与机趣论

    Towards Feng Qu and Ji Qu in Classical Literary Criticism in Ancient China

  3. 《内经》六气病机的选择论

    Theory of Selectivity of Six Qi Pathogenesis in Neijing

  4. 冠心病病机的阶段论

    Discussion on Stage of Pathogenesis of Coronary Heart Disease

  5. 狼疮性肾炎的病因病机及分期论治

    Pathogenic factor , pathogenesis and treatment of lupus nephritis

  6. 从全自动卷制机的应用论电容器卷绕设备的发展

    Discussion on Development of Capacitor Winding Machine Based on Experiences of Its Application

  7. 水产饲料膨化机设计刍论

    Design of aquatic extruder pellet machine

  8. 现代中医药抑郁症临床研究主要包括病因病机、辨证论治研究和中药实验研究。

    Modern Chinese Medicine clinical study of depression includes etiology detecting pathogenesis , treatment based on the differential diagnosis and using of Chinese medicine .

  9. 讨论了其中医病名、病因、病机、辨证论治及预后情况。

    This essay discusses the disease name , its disease causa morbi and mechanism , then reiterates its treatment by differentiation of signs and symptoms .

  10. 文献综述部分论述了中医对血栓闭塞性脉管炎病因病机及辨证论治的古代、现代认识。

    Part of literature review on traditional Chinese medicine on the ( TAO ) Etiology , Pathogenesis and Treatment of the ancient , the modern understanding .

  11. 寻常痤疮病因病机古代所论不多,仅以外邪、湿聚、血热立论;

    Few etiology and pathogenesis of common acne were discursed in ancient times , and they were only discussed from exopathogens , dampness stagnation and blood-heat .

  12. 中医文献综述主要是论述了近代中医对于慢性肾小球肾炎的中医病名、病因病机、辨证论治及现代临床研究等内容。

    Chinese literature review mainly discusses the modern Chinese for chronic glomerular nephritis by TCM name , etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and modern clinical research .

  13. 从病因病机、辨证论治、用药经验及其他疗法等方面,研究名医治疗慢性乙型肝炎的经验规律。

    Etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and treatment from , medicine experience and other treatments , the study medical treatment of chronic hepatitis b experience rule .

  14. 第一部分为理论研究。综述一从病因病机、辨证论治等方面阐述颈动脉粥样硬化的中医研究概况。

    Review 1 introduces the study review of Chinese medicine to carotid arteriosclerosis ( CAS ) from etiological factor , pathogenesis , treatment based on syndrome differentiation .

  15. 本文从流行病学及病理类型、发病机理、中医病因病机、辨证论治、专方专药研究等方面进行综述。

    This paper sums up researches on epidemiology , pathological classification , pathogenic mechanism , TCM etiology and pathogenesis , differential treatment , and specific prescriptions and medications .

  16. 笔者现从病因病机、辨证论治、临症配伍、药物服法、西药治疗等方面将吾师经验作以总结。

    I will summarize the experience of my teacher , from the pathogenesis , diagnosis and treatment , drug regimens , the treatment of western medicine and so on .

  17. 结果:1.本文对痹证的的渊源沿革、命名分类、病因病机、辨证论治等进行整理研究。

    In this paper , the certificate of certification of origin evolution , naming , classification , etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and treatment study on finishing , etc.2 .

  18. 中医古代文献对于肝硬化的常见症状和体征论述详实,对于其病因、病机、辨证论治、理法方药等都有着自身独道的见解。

    Ancient literatures of traditional Chinese medicine have detailed discourse on common signs and symptoms of cirrhosis and have different view on its etiology , pathogenesis , syndrome diagnosis and treatment .

  19. 本文就近十年来中医药治疗阳痿的报道,从病因病机,辨证论治,专方专药,针灸及其他疗法等方面对阳痿进行综述。

    In recent ten years , treatment of impotence with special medicine and formula , acupuncture and other therapies based on its cause and pathology and differentiation of syndromes were summed up .

  20. 论文后半部分总结了其对老年高血压病中医病机、辨证论治的认识,以及中西医结合治疗的临床经验。

    The latter part of this thesis summarizes his awareness of the pathogenes , the treatment of this disease on TCM , as well as his clinical experience of the integration of traditional and western medicine .

  21. 笔者有幸侍诊于旁,通过抄方学习对于吾师治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的经验有所了解,今试将导师的经验从病因病机、辨证论治、用药特点等方面进行阐述。

    The author found by waitresses near to learn , through copy party for my teacher treat chronic atrophic gastritis experience to understand somewhat , this will be the experience from mentor etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and treatment , drug characteristics aspects .

  22. 基于PMAC的配色滴液机控制系统设计论建筑环境色彩的配色与协调

    Design of PMAC-based control system for the color matching and liquid dropping machine

  23. 妇科七情病机概论及各论

    General and each discuss of seven - emotion pathogenesis of gynaecopathia

  24. 风机盘管的选择论浮动抵押

    Discussion on the Selection of Air Coil A Study of Floating Charge

  25. 有梭织机单片机控制装置论有梭丝织机的老机改造

    Microcontroller of shuttle loom

  26. 在复杂的临床表现中,抓住主要病机,辨病论治。

    In complicated clinical manifestations , main mechanism should be held on and the disease should be treated according to syndrome differentiation .

  27. 双面涂胶机胶辊的修补论普通型胶辊表面不处理的合理工艺参数

    The repairing of glue roller for double face glue spreading machine My View on the Optimized Specification of Non-treatment Process for Conventional Cots

  28. 文章对糖尿病的中医病名、病因病机、中医辨证论治研究以及2型糖尿病今后的防治工作等方面作了综述。

    The article summarized the name , etiological factor and mechanism , syndrome differ treatment in Chinese medicine for diabetes mellitus , and look ahead the prevention and treatment for diabetes mellitus in type 2 in future .

  29. 在男科临床上应用该病机理论从疮疡论治热淋(非淋菌性尿道炎)、子痈(急性睾丸炎)和慢性前列腺炎,皆取得了较好的临床效果。

    Applied this theory of pathomechanism that treat heat strangury ( non-gonococcal urethritis ), testicular abscess ( the acute inflammation of the testes ) and chronic prostatitis , which is based on the sores and the andrology clinic , all obtained better clinical effect .

  30. 此方法使系统在保证了良好暂态稳定性的同时,降低了控制器的设计难度。在以上研究工作的基础上,提出了一种多机电力系统变论域模糊自适应控制方案。

    This method can guarantee the stablity of the system , and then lower the design difficulty of the controller . A control method of variable universe fuzzy adaptive control for multi - machine power system is proposed based on the research task mentioned above .