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xiān shǒu
  • on the offensive;on the offensive (in chess)
先手 [xiān shǒu]
  • [on the offensive (in chess)] 谓先下手取得主动;亦指预谋;特指下棋时主动的形势

先手[xiān shǒu]
  1. 这一着儿一走错;先手就变成后手了。

    This false move has forced you onto the defensive .

  2. 反之,过晚进行IPO,可能会导致竞争对手抢占先手。

    Conversely , waiting too long to do your IPO might allow a competitor to steal your thunder .

  3. 目前,克莱斯勒已在合并中取得先手。

    Right now , Chrysler holds the upper hand in the merger .

  4. 改革创新出先手优化机制促发展

    Creative reform and mechanism for development

  5. 拥有更多的信息通道和资讯来源,并能充分加以利用的企业往往能在竞争和博弈中占据先手和优势。

    The enterprises which have more information canal and information source can occupy the offensive and advantage in play chess and competition .

  6. 这个游戏如果独立看是没有意义的:先手玩家可直接拿走所有代币并立即获得胜利!

    This game by itself is of course trivial : The first player can just take all the tokens and win immediately ! But if we add together Nim piles of various sizes , we get the famous game of Nim .

  7. 五角大楼也一直设法取得先手:上月宣布将削减每年逾5000亿美元的预算,在未来5年内总计裁减预算780亿美元。

    The Pentagon has also been trying to get ahead of the game : last week it announced that it would trim its annual budgets of more than $ 500bn by a combined $ 78bn over the next five years compared with earlier projections .

  8. 面对丰富巨大的海洋资源,沿海国家纷纷把发展的目光转向海洋,通过海洋高新技术的开发和应用,加快海洋产业结构的升级改造,以获得先手优势。

    Since the ocean has enormous and abundant resources , many countries along the ocean have shifted their focus on developing marine industry , and expedite adjusting and upgrading structure of marine production in order to gain predominance through exploiting and applying high technologies .