
  • 网络avant-garde drama
  1. 先锋戏剧热后的冷思考

    Thoughts after the Popularity of the Avant-garde Drama

  2. 在中国当代先锋戏剧中,语言固有的诗性被颠覆。

    The poetic flavor of the language was toppled down in Chinese contemporary Avant-Garde drama .

  3. 中国当代先锋戏剧研究(1979-2000)

    On the Chinese Contemporary Avant-Garde Theatre ( 1979-2000 )

  4. 目前中国先锋戏剧文本的实验性

    Textual Experimentations in Chinese Avant-garde Theatre

  5. 如果听任其发展,那将是先锋戏剧的末路。

    If we allow it to continue , it will end the Chinese drama of vanguard .

  6. 先锋戏剧与传统资源

    Avant-garde Drama and Traditional Resources

  7. 结语部分论述中国当代先锋戏剧的成就及其不足。

    The achievement and the defect of the Chinese contemporary avant-garde theatre are discussed in the concluding part .

  8. 20世纪80年代先锋戏剧的隐含观众是希望重建社会秩序和实现现代化的知识分子。

    The expectative audience in 1980 's was the intellectual who wished to rebuild the social order and realize modernization in China .

  9. 艺术形式上的实验性是中国当代先锋戏剧保持先锋姿态的重要标志。

    The experiment on the artistic form is an important sign via which the Chinese contemporary avant-garde theatre maintains its avant-garde posture .

  10. 本文是通过中国90年代先锋戏剧人的创作活动对中国90年代先锋戏剧进行的系统研究。

    This paper presents a systematic research on the Chinese avant-garde theatre in 1990s through a study on the creative activity of avant-garde theatre practitioners in the period .

  11. 集中梳理论述了三剑客先锋戏剧实践的人文精神指向,对他们的先锋戏剧内涵进行了饶有角度的考察;

    By reviewing its practice from a unique point of view , the author focuses on the explanation of the humanism in the three swordsman 's avant-grade theatre .

  12. 探究了三剑客先锋戏剧形式变革的原动力;讨论了观众在三剑客先锋戏剧实践中所处的位置,并以观演关系为基准与标向,进一步评判了三剑客的先锋能否继续发展。

    The author , exploring the motivation for its change and discussing the role of its spectators , judges on whether the three swordsman 's avant-grade theatre will continue to develop in future .

  13. 中国当代先锋戏剧在内容主题和舞台形式方面都呈现出崭新的艺术姿态,与此前的主流话剧拉开了距离并对其造成部分颠覆。

    Chinese contemporary avant-garde drama presents a completely new artistic style both in its contents and forms , which makes it keep away from and even partly topple down the mainstream of Chinese modern drama .

  14. 中国当代先锋戏剧在导演艺术上的创新体现在三个方面:一是崇尚表现主义美学观,二是注重诉诸主体的情感真实,三是打破生活与艺术的界限。

    The innovative consciousness on directing art of the Chinese contemporary avant-garde theatre embodies on 3 aspects : One is to advocate expressionism aesthetics sight , one is to emphasize true feelings of the innovators , the other is to break the limit between life and art .

  15. 最后,本文简单论述了谢泼德与先锋派戏剧的关系以及反主流文化对谢泼德艺术道路的影响。

    Finally , emphasis is laid on Shepard 's relationship to Avant-garde theatre and counterculture .

  16. 山姆·谢泼德是美国60年代先锋派戏剧的代表人物,目前已受到国外学术界中凯瑟琳·休斯,鲁比·科恩等学者的普遍关注。

    Sam Shepard , as a representative of American Avant-garde theatre in the 1960 's , has drawn the attention of such critics as Catherine Hughes , Ruby Cohn .

  17. 陷阱里的先锋&评20世纪90年代中国先锋戏剧

    The Vanguard in the Trap