
  • 网络avant-garde literature
  1. 他的专长是对西方先锋派文学、实验性文学的研究,这在西方后现代主义文学研究领域中是领先的。

    His interest is to study western avant-garde literature or experimental literature . Needless to say , He becomes a leader in the field of the postmodern literary studies .

  2. 因此,他把先锋派文学界定为沉默的文学,而沉默则是文学对自身所采取的一种新态度。

    So he defines the avant-garde literature as " the literature of silence " . The " silence " is a metaphor of a new attitude , which means literature has chosen to adopt itself .

  3. 总之,这种沉默的先锋派文学是后现代主义文学的先行者。

    It is the forerunner of postmodern literature .

  4. 阿根廷先锋派文学大师博尔赫斯在其小说中所表现的人生哲学与中国古代伟大哲学家庄子的哲学有相似之处。

    The life phelosophy bolhes , master of the pioneer school of Argentine literatune , manifests in his novels has something similar to the phelosophy of Zhuang zi , a great ancient Chinese phelosopher .

  5. 哈桑发现,先锋派文学中有一种无以言表和自我质疑的特性,文学开始转向反对自身,渴望沉默,留给我们的是愤怒和启示的种种暗示。

    Hassan finds the characteristics of " expression-wordless " and " self-question " in the avant-garde literature , in which the literature began to turn against itself and aspire to silence , and led us behind with uneasy intimations of outrage and apocalypse .