
  1. 苏童:一个人与几组词

    Su Tong : a Person and Several Groups of Words

  2. 苏童以自己丰富的想象力创造出一个具有独特魅力的南方世界。

    Su Tong creates a unique south world with rich imaginative faculties .

  3. 苏童自从1985年前后登上文坛以来,就是一位备受瞩目的作家。

    Su Tong is a high-profile writer since 1985 after boarding literary world .

  4. 第三章对死亡的特征作了系统的论述,从血缘伦理色彩和意象标识两个方面对苏童小说中的死亡特征作了比较详细的论证。

    Chapter three argues about the characteristics of death from family ethic and image .

  5. 苏童小说家庭伦理叙事类型研究

    On Type of Narration about the Relationship of Family Ethics in Su Tong 'S Fictions

  6. 年轻作家苏童的小说引起人们的广泛关注。

    The fiction of Su Tong , a young author , has aroused a lot of attention .

  7. 苏童对女性生命进行积极的探索和思考,充满了对女性的人文关怀。

    His works showcase the humanistic concern about women through the exploration and consideration of women lives .

  8. 在中国当代文坛中,莫言和苏童对家族的叙述和书写颇具代表性。

    In contemporary Chinese literary , Mo Yan and Su Tong are the typical representatives in writing family .

  9. 苏童青春小说的精神世界及其文化成因探寻

    A Probe into the Mental World with Its Cultural Causes of Su Tong 's Novels for the Youth

  10. 蛇会飞向哪里&评苏童的长篇小说《蛇为什么会飞》

    Where does the snake fly & Review on Su Tong s novel why can the snake fly ;

  11. 苏童是先锋作家的干将,又是新历史小说的写作能手。

    Su Tong , a well-recognized pioneer writer , is also famous for his " New Historical Novel " .

  12. 生存与困境之歌&鲁迅归乡系列小说与苏童的《米》比较阅读

    Song of Survival and Adversity & Comparative Reading Returning Native Place by Lun Xun and Rice by Su Tong

  13. 苏童和毕飞宇是当下中国文学发展中有一定分量的男作家。

    Su Tong and Bi Feiyu are two of the most influential male writers in contemporary Chinese literature filed .

  14. 苏童的本意是,尊重神话、重新建构而不是颠覆或解构神话。

    In his attempt to construct the myth , Su Tong found it hard to avoid the process of destruction .

  15. 苏童,作为中国当代文坛富有盛名的作家之一,其小说显示出旺盛的生命力。

    As one of the most famous writers in Chinese contemporary literature , Su Tong created a lot of vigorous novels .

  16. 苏童的写作方式和作品是对中国当代文学史启蒙叙事的一个有益矫正。

    The writing manner and works of Su Tong is a valuable correction towards the enlightening narration of the Chinese Literature History .

  17. 苏童、莫言的小说明显地存在着两个不同的世界:即现实的小说世界和超现实的小说世界。

    There obviously exist two different worlds - realistic world and super-realistic world in the novels written by Su Tong and Mo Yan .

  18. 苏童作为先锋派作家的代表之一,其创作有着独特的魅力。

    Su tong , one of the representatives of the vanguard of literature , is famous for his artistic creation with unique charm .

  19. 本文借助叙事学行动素理论考察陈铨的《天问》和苏童的《米》。

    With the help of the Narrative theory , this paper has an exploration about Su Tong 's Mi and Chen Quan 's Tianwen .

  20. 他和余华、苏童一起,被视为在80年代崭露头角的最有影响力的几位作家之一。

    He is regarded , together with Yu Hua and Su Tong , as one of the most influential authors to emerge during the 1980s .

  21. 苏童的小说从创作主题到叙事艺术都具有先锋性和探索性,从而确立了苏童鲜明的创作个性。

    From the themes to narrating arts , Su Tong 's novels have pioneer nature and exploration , thus established his distinct individual characteristic of creating .

  22. 苏童是20世纪末期出现的杰出作家,是先锋派作家的代表,也是新历史小说的创始人之一。铁凝是在新时期涌现出来的一位优秀作家。

    Su Tong is the outstanding writer which 20th century last stages appears , is the representative writer of the pioneers , one of the founders of " neo-historicism " novel too .

  23. 对图像的深深迷恋以及读图时代的到来使苏童在小说创作中自觉不自觉地以画作文,把绘画艺术融入到小说创作中,使其小说呈现出鲜明的绘画之美。

    Enamored images deeply and the age of interpreting the images is coming , Su made the art of painting into his novels naturally . Then his novel presented a vivid painting beauty .

  24. 苏童是我国当代小说家群体中作品的数量和质量都很高的作家之一,在苏童20多年的创作实践中,写出了一大批高质量的长篇、中篇、短篇小说。

    Su Tong is one of the most productive and famous contemporary writers . During more than 20 years of his practice in writing . Su Tong wrote a great number of excellent novels .

  25. 苏童在创作中特别注重体现独特的地域文化。他立足于时代,从地域角度出发来展现特定环境下的传统文化和人文精神。

    Su Tong pay more attention to embody the unique regional culture in his creations , He based on the times to show the traditional culture and the human spirit under certain circumstances from the geographic perspective .

  26. 大众文化消费带给作家名利的同时,也使苏童的作家形象得到了不同的建构&变形和定型、误读和改写。

    At the same time , Su Tong not only got the fame and wealth from mass cultural consumption , but also his characters gained different construction , it is deformation and finalizes the design , misreading and rewrite .

  27. 苏童小说的话语方式、修辞造诣,叙述语言的经验、质地、砌成的意象,无不显示出作家这一个的独特写作风貌。

    In Su Tongs 's fiction , it is his discourse pattern , the rhetoric attainment , and the experience , quality and image pictured of his narrative language that show his special and " unique " writing features .

  28. 苏童以其独特而具有创造性的写作为中国新时期文学的不同时段注入活力,这也使他的创作具有了当代文学史的意义。

    With his unique and creative literary creation , Su Tong has injected vigor into Chinese literature of the new period at its various phases , which has also replenished his literary writing with the significance of modern literary history .

  29. 八十年代中期,先锋小说和新写实小说崛起以后,这时情况又有些变化,余华和苏童作为南方作家,他们更多地是压抑自己的方言。

    After the 80 's intermediate stages , the cutting edge novel and the new practical novel rise , the huge change of situation , Yu Hua and Sun Tong took the south writer , they have to constrain own dialect .

  30. 苏童是当代中国具有独特精神视野和审美韵味的重要小说家,其作品内涵的独特性主要源于作者对于世界、历史和人生的情感化体验及其审美传达。

    Su Tong is the important novelist who owns a unique vision and especially aesthetic appeal in contemporary China . The uniqueness of the content of his works is primarily due to emotional experience and aesthetic expression of the world , history and life .